幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:(英)瑪吉·查爾斯//(瑞典)黛安娜·佩科拉里|責編:解碧琰
  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787521331998
  • 出版日期:2022/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:224
人民幣:RMB 65.9 元      售價:



Introduction: How to use this book
  1 Learning with this book
  2 The contents
  3 Teaching with this book
  4 Defining our terms
SECTION Ⅰ The field of EAP
Chapter 1 The scope of EAP
  1 What does EAP practice involve?
  2 What is academic English like?
  3 What do we research in academic English?
  4 On being a reflective practitioner
  5 Profiles of practice
  6 Further reading and resources
Chapter 2 The global context of EAP
  1 English as a lingua franca
  2 English-medium instruction
  3 EAP settings and participants: Implications for EAP teaching
  4 Problematizing global EAP
  5 Profiles of practice
  6 Further reading and resources
Chapter 3 The institutional contexts of EAP
  1 EAP provision
  2 Who are the students in EAP classes?
  3 Who are the EAP teachers?
  4 How is EAP teaching funded?
  5 Who 『owns』 EAP?
  6 The status of EAP
  7 Profiles of practice
  8 Further reading and resources
SECTION Ⅱ Planning for EAP
Chapter 4 Approaches informing EAP
  1 Corpus-based approaches to EAP
  2 Genre-based approaches to EAP
  3 Social context-based approaches to EAP
  4 Choosing approaches
  5 Profiles of practice
  6 Further reading and resources
Chapter 5 Planning EAP provision
  1 Needs analysis
  2 Learning objectives
  3 Curriculum and syllabus design
  4 Profiles of practice
  5 Further reading and resources
Chapter 6 EAP materials
  1 Authenticity of materials

  2 Working with published materials
  3 Developing your own materials
  4 Technology and materials
  5 Profiles of practice
  6 Further reading and resources
SECTION Ⅲ Teaching and assessing EAP
Chapter 7 Academic discourse
  1 Variation in academic discourse
  2 Key features of academic discourse
  3 Teaching and learning features of academic discourse
  4 Profiles of practice
  5 Further reading and resources
Chapter 8 Academic vocabulary
  1 What kinds of vocabulary are there?
  2 Multi-word units
  3 Teaching and learning vocabulary
  4 What vocabulary do EAP learners need?
  5 How is vocabulary taught and learned?
  6 Testing vocabulary
  7 Profiles of practice
  8 Further reading and resources
Chapter 9 Written expert genres
  1 What are the research genres?
  2 Disciplinary differences
  3 Teaching the expert genres
  4 Profile of practice
  5 Further reading and resources
Chapter 10 Written learner genres
  1 Undergraduate genres
  2 Graduate genres: Thesis and dissertation
  3 Teaching and learning academic writing
  4 Profiles of practice
  5 Further reading and resources
Chapter 11 Spoken genres
  1 Academic listening
  2 Academic speaking
  3 Profiles of practice
  4 Further reading and resources
Chapter 12 Assessment and feedback in EAP
  1 Purposes of assessment
  2 Quality criteria in assessment
  3 Giving and using diagnostic tests
  4 Forms of assessment
  5 Response and feedback
  6 Cheating and plagiarism
  7 Profile of practice
  8 Further reading and resources
Conclusion:Moving forward into practice
  1 EAP exists to serve the learner
  2 Discourse and the disciplinary conversation

  3 Professional development

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