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  • 作者:編者:李瑤|責編:張志軍
  • 出版社:復旦大學
  • ISBN:9787309160628
  • 出版日期:2022/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:309
人民幣:RMB 88 元      售價:



Chapter l Introduction to cell biology
  1.1  What is cell biology
  1.2  The cell theory
  1.3  CeU is the basic unit of life
  1.4  Diversity of cells
  1.5  The eukaryotic cell
  1.6  Modern cell biology
  1.7  The technology of cell biology
  1.8  Training the scientists of tomorrow
Chapter 2 Cell membrane and cell surface
  2.1  Components and structure of cell membranes
  2.2  Transmembrane transport
  2.3  Cell adhesion molecules and cell iunction
  2.4  Extracellular matrix and cell wall
Chapter 3 Cytoplasm.ribosomes and RNAs
  3.1  Structure and functions of cytoplasm
  3.2  Ribosome
  3.3  Ribozyme
  3.4  Non—coding RNA
Chapter 4 Endomembrane system,protein sorting and vesicle transport
  4.1  Overview of endomembrane system and protein sorting
  4.2  Endoplasmic reticulum
  4.3  Golgi apparatus
  4.4  Lysosomes and peroxisomes
  4.5  Molecular mechanisms of vesicular~ansport
  4.6  Secretory pathways
  4.7  Endocytic pathways
Chapter 5 Mitochondria and chloroplasts
  5.1  Mitochondria and oxidative phosphorylation
  5.2  Chloroplasts and photosynthesis
  5.3  The biogenesis of mitochondria and chloroplasts
Chapter 6 Cytoskeleton
  6.1  Microtubules
  6.2  Actin filaments
  6.3  Intermediate filaments
Chapter 7 Cell communication and signaling
  7.1  Signaling components
  7.2  The role of intracellular receptor:signaling of nitric Oxide
  7.3  Signaling through G—protein—coupled cell—surface receDtors
  7.4  Signaling through enzyme.coupled cell—surface receDtOrs
  7.5  Signal network system
  7.6  Cell signaling and the cytoskeleton
Chapter 8 Nucleus and chromosOmes
  8.1  The nucleus of a eukaryotic cell
  8.2  The nuclear pore complex
  8.3  Chromatin and chromosomes
  8.4  Nucleolus and ribosome biogenesis
  8.5  The nuclear matrix
Chapter 9 Cell cycle and cell divisiOn
  9.1  An overview of the cell cVcle

  9.2  Regulation of the cell cVcle
  9.3  Cell division
Chapter 10 Cell differentiation
  10.1  Introduction
  10.2  Cells with potency of differentiatiOn
  10.3  Stem cells
  10.4  Controls of cell differentiatiOn
  10.5  The major cell differentiation svstems
  10.6  Stem cell niche
Chapter 11 Senescence and apoptosis
  11.1  Senescence
  11.2  Apoptosis
  11.3  Senescence or apoptosis
Chapter 12 Cells in immune response
  12.1  The immune system
  12.2  Cells in the innate immune system
  12.3  Immune responses
Chapter 13 Cancer cells
  13.1  Basic knowledge about cancer cell
  13.2  The genes involved in cancer
  13.3  The genetic and epigenetic changes of cancer
  13.4  Treatment of cancer

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