幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:劉代容//趙麗梅|責編:程靜
  • 出版社:世圖出版公司
  • ISBN:9787519291341
  • 出版日期:2022/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:143
人民幣:RMB 48 元      售價:



Part I
  Chapter 1 Culture and Communication
    Text A What Is Culture
    Case Study
    Text B Elements of Communication
  Chapter 2 Cultural Differences
    Text A Different Lands, Different Friendships
    Case Study
    Text B Cultural Information: American Friendship
    Text C Comparing and Contrasting Cultures
  Chapter 3 Verbal Communication and Nonverbal Communication
    Text A Translation Problem
    Text B Understanding Language
    Case Study
    Text C Significance of Nonverbal Communication
    Text D Characteristics of Nonverbal Codes
    Case Study
  Chapter 4 Time and Space in Communication
    Text A The Silent Language
    Text B Social Time: The Heartbeat of Culture
    Case Study
    Text C Personal Space
  Chapter 5 Managing Intercultural Conflicts
    Text A Understanding Intercultural Conflicts
    Text B Effective Management of Intercultural Conflicts
    Case Study
  Chapter 6 Intercultural Team Building
    Text A Team Building
    Text B Constructing Social Environment for Teamwork
    Case Study
Part Ⅱ
  Chapter 1 The Chinese Language
    Text A The Chinese Language
    Text B Some Distinctive Features of the Chinese Language
    Text C The National Language
    Text D Complex Chinese Characters and Simplified Ones
    Text E Language Variety in China
    Text F Dialects in Yunnan
  Chapter 2 Chinese Philosophy and Religion
    Text A Chinese Religion
    Text B Mozi and His Philosophy
    Text C Taoism
    Text D Religions of the Major Minority Ethnic Groups in Yunnan Province
  Chapter 3 Chinese Festivals and Folk Customs
    Text A Chinese Festivals
    Text B Chinese Folklore
    Text C Exchange of Gifts
    Text D Festivals and Folk Customs in Yunnan
  Chapter 4 Chinese Food and Tea Culture
    Text A Chinese Dietary Culture

    Text B Chinese Tea Culture
    Text C The Elegance of Tea Drinking
    Text D Chinese Drinking Game
    Text E Yunnan Cuisine and Local Snack Food
    Text F Unique Tea Culture of Yunnan
  Chapter 5 Chinese Clothing Culture
    Text A Chinese Clothing
    Text B The Silk Kingdom
    Text C Dress Code in China
    Text D Distinctive Clothing of Yunnan Ethnic Minorities

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