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  • 作者:編者:(荷)輝伯·席佩斯//林維亞//張伯瑜|責編:殷石
  • 出版社:中央音樂學院
  • ISBN:9787569601565
  • 出版日期:2021/12/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:188
人民幣:RMB 180 元      售價:



Preface: Study Groups, Honeybees, and Dialogues in Applied Ethnomusicology
Introduction: The Vibrant and Diverse Practices of Applied Ethnomusicology
Part One:
  General Refleetions on the Field
  Applied Ethnomusicology in China and Beyond: Dialogues and Reflections
  Outreach, Inreach, Transreach? - Defining Types of Musical Community Engagement
  Let's Not Forget the Larger Context: Short-term Applied Projects and Long-term Sustainability
Part Two:
  Applied Ethnomusicology and Intangible Cultural Heritage
  Ways of Engaging with Traditional Music Performances by Chinese Ethnomusicologists: A Personal Perspective
  Uyas Kmeki of the Seediq: A Case Study on the Efforts toward Cultural Sustainability in Taiwan
  Practice and Experiment: China's National Cultural Ecosystem Conservation Areas as a New Approach to Intangible Cultural Heritage
  Incorporating Intangible Cultural Heritage in a Local Conservatory: The Case of Dongbei Dagu, a Narrative Art from Northeastern China
Part Three:
  Applying Ethnomusicology in Various Settings
  Applied Ethnomusicology in Museum Exhibitions: Critical Reflections on Sound Narratives as a Method for Knowledge Transfer
  "Music Without Borders": Austria as a Case Study in Conducting Intercultural Music Education Through Ethnomusicology
  Performing Cultural (Un-) Sustainability: Rationale and Impact of an Applied Theatre Workshop in a West-African Graduate Programme
  Rama and the Worm: A Performance-Based Approach to Applied Ethnomusicology
  "Quilombo, Favela, Rua": Sarau Divergente in the Fight against Black Genocide in Rio de Janeiro
Note: Other than Xiao Mei and Gao Shu, all Chinese names are presented with family names coming last.

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