幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:劉蘊秋|責編:臧燕陽
  • 出版社:上海交大
  • ISBN:9787313260062
  • 出版日期:2021/12/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:278
人民幣:RMB 99 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Introduction
  1.1  Research Background
  1.2  Objectives and Research Questions
  1.3  Overview of the Study
Chapter 2  Literature Review
  2.1  Conceptions of Practical Wisdom
    2.1.1  Practice and Knowledge
    2.1.2  Teachers' Practical Knowledge
    2.1.3  Practical Wisdom
  2.2  Philosophical Perspectives of Knowledge and Practice
    2.2.1  The Unity of Knowing and Acting (zhi xing he yi) in Chinese Philosophy
    2.2.2  The Influence of the Unity of Knowing and Acting
  2.3  Sociocultural Perspectives of Teacher Learning
    2.3.1  Vygotsky's Sociocultural Theory (SCT)
    2.3.2  Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)
    2.3.3  Teachers as Learners in Social Contexts
    2.3.4  Engestr6m's Activity Theory
  2.4  Studies on Teachers' Practical Knowledge
    2.4.1  Teacher Knowledge: Pedagogy and Praxis
    2.4.2  Narrative Inquiry into Teachers' Experience
    2.4.3  EFL Teachers' Practical Knowledge
    2.4.4  A Model of the Generation of Teachers' Practical Knowledge
  2.5  Towards a Conceptual Framework
Chapter 3  Methodology
  3.1  Rationale for Ethnographic Research
  3.2  The Research Setting and Sample
    3.2.1  The Setting of Foreign Language Education (FLE) in China
    3.2.2  The Research Participants
  3.3  Data Collection
    3.3.1  Semi-Structured Interview Schedule
    3.3.2  EFL Teachers' Narratives
    3.3.3  Archives
  3.4  Data Analysis
    3.4.1  Narrative Analysis
    3.4.2  An Ethnographic Approach
  3.5  Issues of Concern
    3.5.1  Validity
    3.5.2  Ethical Considerations
    3.5.3  Size and Variety of Teacher Participants
Chapter 4  Life History of the Senior EFL Teachers
  4.1  Professor Y's Life Stories
    4.1.1  Learning English
    4.1.2  Study Overseas
  4.2  Professor G's Life Stories
    4.2.1  Early Childhood
    4.2.2  Adolescence
    4.2.3  Study at University
   4.3  Professor Y's Professional Life
    4.3.1  Becoming an English Teacher
    4.3.2  Teaching Adult Beginning Learners

    4.3.3  Creation of Rich Linguistic Environment for EFL Learners
    4.3.4  Learning to Teach
    4.3.5  Considerations of EFL Teaching as a Master Teacher
  4.4  Professor O's Professional Life
    4.4.1  Initial Stage: Struggling to Survive
    4.4.2  Disruption in Teaching Career: Opportunity from Adversity
    4.4.3  A Master Teacher
  4.5  Master Teachers' Philosophy of Life
     4.5.1  Professor Y
     4.5.2  Professor G
  4.6  A Cross-Case Analysis of Adult Beginning Learners and Teachers in EFL Context
     4.6.1  Learning a Foreign Language as an Adult Beginning Learner
     4.6.2  Effective Means for EFL Adult Beginning Learners
  4.7  Summary
Chapter 5  Teaching Practice of the Senior EFL Teachers
  5.1  Professor Y Teaching Low-Level Students
    5.1.1  First Priority of Grammar Instruction
    5.1.2  Importance of Students' Participation in Classroom Activity
    5.1.3  Accuracy versus Fluency
    5.1.4  Error Correction
    5.1.5  English-Only Communication
    5.1.6  Constant Feedback from the Teacher
    5.1.7  Emphasis on Book Reading
    5.1.8  A Jingle
    5.1.9  Summary
  5.2  Professor G Teaching Senior EFL Students
    5.2.1  A Poor Don Quixote's Emphasis on Accuracy
    5.2.2  A Style of "Chalk and Talk"
    5.2.3  Resonance with Students
    5.2.4  Grasping Opportunities to Teach
    5.2.5  Good Command of English versus a Conscientious Chinese
    5.2.6  No Absent-Mindedness to Students
    5.2.7  An Alphabetical List of EFL Teacher Quality
  5.3  Summary
Chapter 6  Interpretation of Practical Knowledge of the Senior EFL Teachers
  6.1  Features of EFL Teaching Practice of Professor Y
    6.1.1  Developing Linguistic Knowledge via the Form-Meaning-Use Triad
    6.1.2  Manipulation of Learner-Based Pedagogical Instruction
    6.1.3  Maintaining Interaction with Students
    6.1.4  Summary
  6.2  Features of EFL Teaching Practice of Professor G
    6.2.1  Humanistic Approach with Content Orientation
    6.2.2  Teacher-Directed Instruction
    6.2.3  Learner-Centred Curriculum
    6.2.4  Conceptions of EFL Teacher Quality
  6.3  Summary
Chapter 7  Understanding the Transformation of Practical Wisdom of the Senior EFL Teachers
  7.1  Factors Influencing Practical Knowledge
    7.1.1  Professor Y's Personal Life Experiences
    7.1.2  Professor Y's Learning Experiences

    7.1.3  Professor Y's Teaching Experiences
    7.1.4  Professor Y's Academic Background
    7.1.5  Professor G's Personal Life Experiences
    7.1.6  Professor G's Learning Experiences
    7.1.7  Professor G's Teaching Experiences
  7.2  Contextual Tensions and the Reconstruction of Practical Knowledge
    7.2.1  Professor Y's School Context
    7.2.2  Professor Y's Subject Matter
    7.2.3  Professor Y's Low-Level Students
    7.2.4  Professor G's School Context
    7.2.5  Professor G's Subject Matter
    7.2.6  Professor G's Senior EFL Students
  7.3  The Driving Forces of the Transformation of Practical Wisdom of the EFL Teachers
    7.3.1  Professor Y's Pursuit of Self-Perfection
    7.3.2  Professor G's Pursuit of Self-Cultivation
  7.4  Summary
  7.5  The Conceptual Framework of Practical Wisdom
Chapter 8  Conclusion and Implications
  8.1  Conclusion
  8.2  Implications
  8.3  Limitations

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