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  • 作者:孫曉峰//王曉宇|責編:江璇//劉宇軒|總主編:顧誦芬
  • 出版社:上海交大
  • ISBN:9787313241412
  • 出版日期:2021/11/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:581
人民幣:RMB 288 元      售價:



CHAPTER 1 Basic equations of aeroacoustics
  1.1  Sound sources in moving media
    1.1.1  Basic equations o f sound propagation
    1.1.2  Energy relations in moving media
    1.1.3  Sound field ofmoving sound sources
    1.1.4  Frequency features of moving sound sourcc Dopplcr effect
  1.2  Generalized Green』s formula
  1.3  Lighthill equation
    1.3.1  Derivation of basic equations
    1.3.2  Effect of solid boundary on sound generation
  1.4  Ffowcs Williams.Hawkings equation
  1.5  Generalized Lighthill』s equation
CHAPTER 2 Propeller noise:Prediction and control
  2.1  Noise sources of propeller
    2.1.1  An overvicw,the developing history of propeller noise
    2.1.2  Advanced propeller noise(Propfan noisc)
  2.2  Propeller noise prediction in frequency—domain
    2.2.1  The basic equations
    2.2.2  Aerodynamic performance prediction
    2.2.3  The near-field solution of propeller noise
    2.2.4  The far-field solution of propeller noise
  2.3  Propeller noise prediction in time—domain
    2.3.1  The basic equations
    2.3.2  The solution o f the free-space generalized wave equation
    2.3.3  The fundamental integral formulas o f the sur face source in time-domain
    2.3.4  The integral expressions of the sound field due to
    monopoles and dipoles
    2.3.5  Introduction to numerical computation methods
CHAPTER 3 Noise prediction in aeroengine
  3.1  Noise sources in aeroengine
  3.2  Tone noise by rotor/stator interaction in fan compressor
    3.2.1  Introduction
    3.2.2  Model of sound generation by unstcady aerodynamic load on blade
    3.2.3  Prediction for tone noise by rotor/stator interaction
  3.3  Shockwave noise in fan/compressor
    3.3.1  Physical mechanism of shockwave noise in fan
    3.3.2  Shockwave noise prediction method
    3.3.3  Power computation of shockwave noise
  3.4  Combustion noise
  3.5  Jet noise
    3.5.1  Solution of Lighthill』S equation
    3.5.2  Prediction ofjet noise
    3.5.3  Effect of non-uniform flow Lilley』s equation
CHAPTER 4 Linearized unsteady aerodynamics for aeroacoustic applications
  4.1  IntrOductiOn

  4.2  Basic linearized unsteady aerodynamic equations
    4.2.1  Velocity decomposing theorem for uniform flows
    4.2.2  Disturbance velocity decomposition in non-uni form flow
    fields:Goldstein』S equation
  4.3  Unsteady loading for two—dimensional supersonic cascades with
    subsonic leading—edge locus
    4.3.1  Physical and mathematical models
    4.3.2  Discussion concerning the convergence of thc kernel
    4.3.3  Reflection coefficients of Mach waves and the solution of
    the integral equation
    4.3.4  Comparison o f numerical solutions for unsteady blade
  4.4  Lifting surface theory for unsteady analysis of fan/compressor
    4.4.1  A unifled framework for acoustic field and unsteady flow
    4.4.2  Integral equation for the solution of unsteady blade load
    4.4.3  Upwash velocity for three di fferent incoming conditions
    4.4.4  Solution to the integral equation
    4.4.5  Numerical validation of unsteady blade loading
CHAPTER 5 Vortex sound theory
  5.1  Introduction tO sound generation induced by vortex flow
  5.2  Basic equations of vortex sound
    5.2.1  Powell』S equation
    5.2.2  Howe』S acoustic analogy
    5.2.3  The equivalence of Curie』s equation and Howe』s equation
  5.3  Vortex sound model of trailing edge noise
  5.4  Vortex sound model of liner impedance
  5.5  Effect of grazing flow on vortex-sound interaction of
    perforated plates
    5.5.1  Effect of grazing flow on the acoustic impedance of
    perforated plates
    5.5.2  Effect of plate thickness on impedance of perforated
    plates with bias flow
  5.6  Nonlinear model of vortex.sound interaction
    5.6.1  The nonlinear  model  of vortex sound  intcraction
    occurring at a slit
    5.6.2  Flow-excited acoustic resonance of a Helmholtz resonator
CHAPTER 6  Sound generation.propagation.and radiation infrom an
    aeroengine nacelle
  6.1  IntroductiOn
  6.2  Basic theory of sound propagation in ducts
  6.3  Computational approaches for duct acoustics
    6.3.1  Sound propagation in an aeroengine nacelle
    6.3.2  Fundamental idea of the trans.fer element method
    6.3.3  Construction of transfer element for a locally reacting
    lined duct
    6.3.4  Construction of transfer element for a nonlocally reacting

    lined duct
    6.3.5  Construction of transfer element for a varying cross
    section duct
    6.3.6  ralrlalation of the combjned acoustjC Lner
  6.4  Fan noise source modeling
    6.4.1  Tonal/broadband interaction noise prediction
    6.4.2  The passive control effect of vane sweep and lean
    6.4.3  Sound SOUrCe prediction model for a finite region
  6.5  Interaction effect
    6.5.1  The interaction between rotor and Stator cascades
    6.5.2  The interaction between source and liner
    6.5.3  Far-field sound radiation of an aeroenginc nacelle
CHAPTER 7 Thermoacoustic instability
  7.1  Basic concepts of thermoacoustics
  7.2  One—dimensional calculation method
  7.3  Three.dimensional linear analysis method for combustion
    7.3.1  Analytical approach
    7.3.2  Numerical calculation method
    7.3.3  Effect of vorticity waves on azimuthal instabilities in
    annular chambers
  7.4  Control of thermoacoustic instability in a Rijke tube
    7.4.1  Perforated liner with bias flow
    7.4.2  Drum-like silencer
CHAPTER 8 Impedance eduction for acoustic liners
  8.1  Introduction
  8.2  Straight forward method of acoustic impedance eduction
    8.2.1  Model description
    8.2.2  Sound field in thc flow duct
    8.2.3  Mode decomposition by using Prony』s method
    8.2.4  Impedance eduction
    8.2.5  Model validation
  8.3  Shear flow effect on the impedance eduction
    8.3.1  Model description
    8.3.2  Sound field in the flow duct
    8.3.3  Mode decomposition
    8.3.4  Impedance eduction
    8.3.5  Impedance eduction example in the presence o f shear f1ow
  8.4  Straightforward method of acoustic impedance eduction
    8.4.1  Model description
    8.4.2  Sound field in the flow duct
    8.4.3  Spanwise mode decomposition
    8.4.4  Vertical mode decomposition
    8.4.5  Impedance eduction
    8.4.6  Multisolution problem
    8.4.7  Impedance eduction example beyond the cut-off


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