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  • 作者:李君如//羅建波|責編:文芳//李黎|譯者:蕭楚天//高思飛
  • 出版社:外文
  • ISBN:9787119127644
  • 出版日期:2021/11/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:151
人民幣:RMB 78 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Great Changes Call for a Global Community of Shared Future
  A Historical and Holistic Approach to Assessing International Developments and the Right Approach to China's Role
  The Necessity and Urgency to Build a Global Community of Shared Future Amidst the Global Fight Against Covid-19
  General Trends in World Development Reveal the Necessity toBuild a Global Community of Shared Future
Chapter 2  The Basic Meaning of a Global Community of Shared Future and Its Global Significance
  The Core of a Global Community of Shared Future
  The Global Community of Shared Future and the Community of the Future Society
  China's Proposal and Realization of a Global Community of Shared Future
  The Historic Significance of a Global Community of Shared Future
Chapter 3  How to Build a Global Community ofShared Future
  Pathways of Building a Global Community of Shared Future
  Main Steps for Building a Global Community of Shared Future
Chapter 4  Promoting China's Strategy of Building a Global Community of Shared Future
  Managing Our Own Affairs Well and Accelerating the Formationof a New Pattern of Development
  China's Neighborhood as a Preferred Choice to Initiate the Buildingof a Global Community of Shared Future
  Defining China's International Position and Responding to theLegitimate Concerns of Developed Countries
  Active Participation in Global Governance
  Appendix 1  Sino-US Relations Remain the Most Important Bilateral Relationship in the World Today / 123
  Appendix 2  Cultural Exchanges and Dialogues Between China and the US Should Be Resumed After the Pandemic / 131
  Appendix 3  "Thick Mountains Could Not Stop the River from Flowing into the Sea"
Epilogue and Conclusion

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