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  • 作者:編者:劉偉//(韓)朴仁國
  • 出版社:中國人民大學
  • ISBN:9787300299662
  • 出版日期:2021/10/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:1571
人民幣:RMB 398 元      售價:



《儒家哲學的現代價值--國際儒學論壇優秀論文選編(2004-2018共3冊)(英文版).Volume Ⅰ》
    01.The Modern Value of Confucian Philosophy -The Pathology and Treatment of the World Today
    02.Confucianism and Its Significance in the 21st Century.…… Nishihara Haruo
    03.Confucianism Is a Key Spiritual Power for Promoting Dialogue Among World Civilizations
    04.A Reflection on Vietnamese Confucianism
    05.Modern Significance and Values of Confucian Theories …… Torbjorn Loden
    06.Consistency and Vitality: The Constitution and Development of Confucianism
    07.A Comparison Between the Pragmatic Thoughts of Hengqu and Nammyeo-Also on the Relativity of the Practical Nature of the Pragmatic Thoughts
    08.Traditional Culture, Subject Value and Modern Transformation
    09.The Confucian Idea of Ruling by Li and Social Harmony
    10.A Tentative Analysis on Cultural Philosophy of Neo-Confucianism in Korea
    11.Looking for the Modern Meaning of Confucian Thoughts from the Flare of Asian Value
    12.The Formation of the Confucian Culture of Andong and Its Social Influence
    13.On the Nature of Confucianism from the Origin of Confucianism
    14.Yi T'oegye's Thoughts on Learning from the Structure of Ten Diagrams on Sage Learning
    15.How to Make the Value of Confucian Traditions Possible in the Present
    16.Mencius' Inheritance, Criticism, and Overcoming of Mohist Thought
    17.Five Classics and Seven Scriptures: the Reconstruction of the Core Confucian Canon
    18.The Historical Development of Confucianism and Its Enlightenment
    19.The Spirit of Humanism in Confucianism and Cultural Exchange Directions
    20.Confucian Thought and the East Asian Community
    21.Development of Philosophy Theory of Contemporary Neo-Confucianism-Reflections and Reviews on Mou Tsung-San's Philosophical Theory
   22.The Object-Self View in Neo-Confucian Toegye's Thing-Eulogizing Poetry and Current Environmental Issues
《儒家哲學的現代價值--國際儒學論壇優秀論文選編(2004-2018共3冊)(英文版).Volume Ⅱ》
《儒家哲學的現代價值--國際儒學論壇優秀論文選編(2004-2018共3冊)(英文版).Volume Ⅲ》

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