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  • 作者:編者:李正栓//吳偉仁//吳曉梅|責編:屈海燕
  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787521329179
  • 出版日期:2021/10/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:348
人民幣:RMB 69.9 元      售價:



Part Ⅶ  The F?rst Half of the 1gth Century: The Romant?c Period
  Chapter 1  William Wordsworth
    She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways
    I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
    Sonnet: Composed upon Westminster Bridge (September 3, 1802)
    The Solitary Reaper
  Chapter 2  Walter Scott
    Rob Roy
  Chapter 3  Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
  Chapter 4  Jane Austen
    Pride and Prejudice
  Chapter 5  Charles Lamb
    Dream Children: A Reverie
  Chapter 6  George Gordon Byron
    When We Two Parted
    She Walks in Beauty
    The Isles of Greece (from Canto II of Don Juan)
  Chapter 7  Percy Bysshe Shelley
    A Song: "Men of England
    Ode to the West Wind
    To a Sky-Lark
    A Song
  Chapter 8  John Keats
    On First Looking into Chapman's Homer
    On the Grasshopper and Cricket
    Ode to a Nightingale
    Ode on a Grecian Um
    To Autumn
    Bright Star
  Chapter 9  Thomas Hood
    The Song of the Shirt
Part Ⅷ  The Second Half of the 19th Century: The V?ctorian Age and Critical Realism
  Chapter 10  Elizabeth Barrett Browning
    Sonnets fro m the Portuguese (21, 22, 32, 43)
  Chapter 11  Alfred Tennyson
    Break, Break,Break
    The Eagle
    Crossing the Bar
  Chapter 12  William Makepeace Thackeray
    Vanity Fair
  Chapter 13  Charles Dickens
    Oliver Twist
  Chapter 14  Robert Browning
    My Last Duchess
    Home-Thoughts, from Abroad
    Meeting at Night

    Parting at Morning
  Chapter 15  George Eliot
    Adam Bede
  Chapter 16  Charlotte Bront? and Emily Bront
    Jane Eyre
    Wuthering Heights
  Chapter 17  Matthew Arnold
    Dover Beach
  Chapter 18  Christina Rossetti
  Chapter 19  Gerard Manley Hopkins
    Pied Beauty
Part ?  The 20th Century from 1900 to 1945: Modern L?terature
  Chapter 20  Thomas Hardy
    Tess of the D'Urbervilles
    The Darkling Thrush
  Chapter 21  Oscar Wilde
    The Picture of Dorian Gray
  Chapter 22  George Bernard Shaw
    Mrs. Warren's Profession
  Chapter 23  William Butler Yeats
    When You Are Old
    The Lake Isle of Innisfree
  Chapter 24  John Galsworthy
    The Forsyte Saga
  Chapter 25  Virginia Woolf
    Mrs. Dalloway
  Chapter 26  James Joyce
    Dubliners (Araby)
  Chapter 27  David Herbert Lawrence
    Sons and Lovers
  Chapter 28  Rupert Brooke
    The Soldier
  Chapter 29  Thomas Stearns Eliot
     The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
  Chapter 30  Robert Graves
    She Tells Her Love While Half Asleep
  Chapter 31  Samuel Barclay Beckett
    Waiting for Godot
  Chapter 32  Wystan Hugh Auden
    Sonnet ⅩⅧ
  Chapter 33  Dylan Thomas
    A Process in the Weather of the Heart
    Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night
Part Ⅹ  The 20th Century S?nce 1945: Contemporary L?terature
  Chapter 34  Doris Lessing

    The Grass Is Singing
  Chapter 35  Philip Arthur Larkin
    The Whitsun Weddings
  Chapter 36  Ted Hughes
    Hawk Roosting
  Chapter 37  Seamus Heaney

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