幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:俞雷|責編:蔡莉莉|譯者:吳小佩|繪畫:蔡欣
  • 出版社:外文
  • ISBN:9787119128122
  • 出版日期:2021/10/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:167
人民幣:RMB 128 元      售價:



  I Camefrom the Sea,Riding onthe Golden Turtle
  ● 年少顯崢嶸
  Showing Promise at a Young Age
  ● 九百九十九
  Nine Hundred and Ninety Nine
  ● 冒籍之災
  The Imposture Affair
  ● 初露頭角
  Revealing Outstanding Talent
  ● 經營鄉里
  Contributing to His Hometown
  ● 高中狀元
  Top Scorer in the Highest Imperial Examination
  ● 創立大生
  Founding Dasheng
  ● 參與創立民國
  Involvement in Initiating Republicanism
  ● 出入政壇
  Breaking Away from Political Circles
  ● 會須身伴五山靈
  My Body Will Accompany Five Mountains
  A Bold Pioneer
  Pioneering on Many Fronts
  ● 大生企業集團——中國第一個大型民營資本集團
  Dasheng Enterprise Group – China』s First Large Private Group
  ● 通海墾牧公司——中國第一個沿海墾殖公司
  Tonghai Reclamation Company – China』s First Coastal Reclamation Company
  ● 通州師範學校——中國第一所民立中等師範學校
  Tongzhou Normal School – China』s First Private Secondary Normal School
  ● 南通博物苑——中國第一座公共博物館
  Nantong Museum – China』s First Public Museum
  ● 江浙漁業公司——中國第一家漁業公司
  Jiangzhe Fishery Company – China』s First Modern Fishery Company in China
  ● 江蘇省立水產學校——中國第一所水產高等院校
  Jiangsu Provincial Aquatic School – China』s First Aquatic Institution of Higher Education
  ● 吳淞商船學校——中國第一所航海高等院校
  Wusong Merchant Marine School – China』s First Higher Education Institution for Navigation
  ● 河海工程專門學校——中國第一所水利專業高等學校
  Hohai Engineering Specialized School – China』s First Higher Education School Specializing in Water Conservancy
  ● 軍山氣象台——中國第一座氣象台
  Junshan Observatory – China』s First Observatory
  ● 南通紡織專門學校——中國第一所紡織專業高等學校
  Nantong Textile Specialized School – China』s First Textile Specialized Higher Education School
  ● 伶工學社——中國第一所戲劇學校
  Linggong Academy – China』s First Drama School
  ● 中國第一個實施全境地理測繪的地區
  The First City in the Country to Implement Territory-wide Geographic Mapping

  ● 中國第一個普及義務教育的縣
  The First County in the Country to Achieve Universal Compulsory Education
  ● 「中國近代第一城」
  The Pioneering City in Modern China
  Everyone Has aStake in the Rise andFall of the Nation
  ● 以天下為己任
  Taking the Destiny of the Country as His Own Responsibility
  ● 憤筆春帆樓
  Lamenting at Shunpanro
  ● 百世以公為公
  Our Admiration for Cao Ding Passes on from Generation to Generation
  ● 喚醒民眾愛國精神
  Raising Patriotism among the People
  Fighting withan Indomitable Will toEnlighten the People
  Being Resolute in Fulfilling His Aspiration
  ● 棉鐵主義
  Cotton and Iron First
  ● 土產外銷
  Selling Local Products to the Market Outside of Nantong
  ● 信幸相連
  Fortune Always Comes with Integrity
  ● 讓利育商
  Cutting Price in Favor of Other Merchants
  ● 與海相磨
  Grappling with the Sea
  ● 「公司+ 農戶」的創舉
  A Remarkable Creation of 「Company plus Farmers」
  ● 沿海墾殖開發
  Development of Coastal Reclamation
  ● 植樹造林
  ● 新的城市形象
  Transforming the Urban Image
  ● 強健身心
  Strengthening the Body and Mind
  ● 滬通之間,折葦可渡
  Sailing between Shanghai and Nantong on a Piece of Reed
  Treating Peoplewith Sincerity andValuing Talents
  ● 忠信篤敬
  Loyalty, Faithfulness, Assurance, and Respect
  ● 堅苦自立,忠實不欺
  Self-reliance and Faithfulness
  ● 以公容錯
  Tolerating Unintentional Mistakes and Upholding Fairness
  ● 跨國的忘年交
  Transnational Friendship

  ● 器重才俊
  Valuing Talented People
  ● 涵養家風
  Nurturing Family Spirit
  CultivatingMoral Integrityand BeingDiligent all Through Life
  ● 生生不息
  The Greatest Virtue Is People』s Well-being
  ● 人道之存,人格之成
  Charity Shows Human Sympathy and Cultivates Moral Integrity
  ● 關注孤幼傷殘
  Caring for Orphans, Children and the Disabled
  ● 張謇賣字
  Selling Calligraphy Works
  ● 皮骨心血,當為世界犧牲
  My Mortal Body Should Be Sacrificed for the Public
  「Public Servant」 and 「Servant for the Majority」
  ● 凝貞苦之心,養高尚之節
  Tenacity and Lofty Ideas
  ● 牛車簡從
  Travelling on Oxcart
  ● 刻意節儉
  Intended Frugality
  ● 聚財和散財
  Gathering and Giving Away Wealth
  ● 為世牛馬,終歲無停趾
  Serving the People all Through Life
  Competingand Cooperating withthe OutsideWorld
  Running a Country Needs World Vision
  ● 培育通商
  Training and Nurturing Nantong Merchants
  ● 紐約的南通?織分局
  Nantong Embroidery and Fabric Branch Office in New York
  ● 為南通做廣告
  Advertising Nantong
  ● 杜威評價南通教育
  Dewey』s Evaluation of Nantong Education
  ● 治世「良藥」
  Prescription for Governing the Country
  ● 中國模範城
  China』s Model City
  ● 民族企業家的楷模
  A Paragon of Patriotism, A Model of Entrepreneurship
  ● 百年夢圓
  Fulfilling Life-time Dream

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