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  • 作者:張偉年|責編:劉璟珺
  • 出版社:國防科大
  • ISBN:9787567305595
  • 出版日期:2020/10/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:172
人民幣:RMB 38 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Introduction
  1.1  Research orientation
    1.1.1  The importance of ELT textbook evaluation
    1.1.2  The role of ELT textbooks
    1.1.3  Different perspectives on ELT textbook evaluation
    1.1.4  Objectives and significance
  1.2  Methodology and data
    1.2.1  Methodology
    1.2.2  Data mining and data processing
  1.3  Organization of this book
Chapter 2  Theoretical Preparation and Reconstruction
  2.1  Introduction
  2.2  Genre theory
    2.2.1  Genre in the field of rhetoric
    2.2.2  Genre in the field of folklore
    2.2.3  Genre in the field of literature
    2.2.4  Genre in the field of sociology
    2.2.5  Genre in the field of linguistics
    2.2.6  Conclusion
  2.3  The study of syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations
    2.3.1  Saussure's view
    2.3.2  View of systemic functional linguistics
  2.4  The study of Ideology
    2.4.1  Cultural models
    2.4.2  Ideology
  2.5  A new two-planed framework of ELT textbook evaluation
    2.5.1  Main genre plane analysis of ELT textbook evaluation
    2.5.2  Sub-genre plane analysis of ELT textbook evaluation
Chapter 3  Main Genre Plane Analysis of ELT Textbooks  
  3.1  Two different analyses of main genre plane
    3.1.1  The analysis of paradigmatic options of cultural models in the textbooks
    3.1.2  The analysis of Syntagmatic choices of genre types in the textbooks
  3.2  Correlations between genre types and cultural models in the textbooks
  3.3  Conclusion
Chapter 4  Sub-genre Plane Analysis of ELT textbooks
  4.1  The paradigmatic analysis of cultural models
  4.2  The syntagmatic analysis of genre family members
  4.3  Family membership
    4.3.1  Recounts
    4.3.2  Anecdotes
    4.3.3  Exemplums
    4.3.4  Observations
    4.3.5  Narratives
  4.4  Sub-genre plane analysis of ELT textbooks
    4.4.1  The analysis of An Integrated English Course
    4.4.2  The analysis of the textbooks New Horizon College English
    4.4.3  The analysis of the textbooks TV English by Xu Guozhang
    4.4.4  The analysis of the textbooks A New English Course
    4.4.5  The analysis of the textbooks Initiative
    4.4.6  The analysis of the textbooks Twenty-first Century College English

  4.5  Findings
  4.6  Conclusions
Chapter 5  Conclusions and Implications
  5.1  Achievements
    5.1.1  ELT textbook evaluation framework
    5.1.2  ELT textbook evaluation
    5.1.3  Views on relations and ideology
    5.1.4  Genre theory
    5.1.5  Summary of the findings
  5.2  Implications
  5.3  Limitations and suggestions for further research

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