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  • 作者:編者:馮清//劉敏|責編:丁平
  • 出版社:華中科技大學
  • ISBN:9787568073332
  • 出版日期:2021/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:332
人民幣:RMB 48 元      售價:



上篇  中文部分
第一章  基礎化學實驗須知
  第一節  實驗守則
  第二節  基本知識
  第三節  基本技能
  第四節  實驗誤差、數據處理和實驗報告
第二章  基礎化學實驗部分
  實驗一 玻璃儀器認領、清洗、乾燥及實驗數據的處理方法
  實驗二 氣體常數R的測定
  實驗三 凝固點降低法測定溶質的相對分子質量
  實驗四 酸、鹼標準溶液的配製及其濃度的比較
  實驗五 乙酸解離度與解離常數的測定
  實驗六 化學反應速率與活化能的測定
  實驗七 有機酸試劑純度的測定
  實驗八 APC藥片中阿司匹林含量的測定
  實驗九 混合鹼的分析
  實驗十 消毒液中H2O2含量的測定
  實驗十一 注射液中葡萄糖含量的測定
  實驗十二 自來水總硬度的測定
  實驗十三 同離子效應與沉澱平衡
  實驗十四 緩衝溶液的配製與性質
  實驗十五 氧化還原反應和電極電位
  實驗十六 配合物的生成和性質
  實驗十七 過渡金屬化合物的性質與應用
  實驗十八 蛋白質的分光光度法測定
  實驗十九 磺基水楊酸合鐵Ⅲ配合物的組成和穩定常數的測定
  實驗二十 分光光度法測定\[TiH2O6\]3+的晶體場分裂能
  實驗二十一 生理鹽水中氯離子含量的測定
  實驗二十二 食品中亞硝酸鹽含量的測定
  實驗二十三 雙波長分光光度法測定水樣中硝酸鹽的含量
  實驗二十四 火焰原子吸收光譜法測定人頭髮中的鋅
  實驗二十五 熒光分光光度法測定牛奶中的核黃素
  實驗二十六 pH玻璃電極性能檢查及飲料pH的測定
  實驗二十七 電導法測定水質純度
  實驗二十八 氟離子選擇電極法測定水樣中氟離子的濃度
  實驗二十九 氣相色譜法測定廢水中的苯系物
  實驗三十 高效液相色譜法測定食品中的色素
  實驗三十一 粗食鹽的提純
  實驗三十二 硫酸亞鐵銨的製備含微型實驗
  實驗三十三 溶膠的製備和性質
  實驗三十四 水熱法製備納米SnO2微粉
  實驗三十五 茶葉中微量元素的鑒定與定量測定
  綜合性實驗一 葡萄糖酸鋅的製備及鋅含量的測定
  綜合性實驗二 三草酸合鐵Ⅲ酸鉀的合成及組成測定
  綜合性實驗三 蛋殼中鈣、鎂含量的測定
  設計性實驗一 鈷Ⅲ配合物的製備及其組成的確定
  設計性實驗二 水樣中鐵含量的測定
  設計性實驗三 果蔬中維生素C含量的測定
  設計性實驗四 植物中某些元素的鑒定

下篇 英文部分
Part One Introduction of BasicChemistry Experiments
  Chapter 1 Basic Rules and Safety Requirements
  Chapter 2 Common Laboratory Techniques andPractices
  Chapter 3 Weighing with Balances
  Chapter 4 Basic Operation of Volumetric Glassware
  Chapter 5 pH Meter
  Chapter 6 Instructions for 723N Spectrophotometer
  Chapter 7 Evaluation of Experimental Data
  Part Two Experiments in Basic Chemistry
  Experiment 1Measurements,Common LaboratoryTechniques and Practices
  Experiment 2Determination of the Gas Constant
  Experiment 3Determination of the Relative Molecular Weight of Solute by Freezing Point Depression
  Experiment 4Preparation and Comparison of Acidand Base Standard Solutions
  Experiment 5Determination of the Ionization Degree and Ionization Constant of Acetic Acid
  Experiment 6 Determination of a Rate Law andActivation Energy
  Experiment 7 Determination of the Purity of an Unknown Acid
  Experiment 8 Determination of Aspirin in Aspirin Tablets
  Experiment 9 Determination of the Composition of a Carbonate?Bicarbonate Mixture
  Experiment 10 Determination of Hydrogen Peroxidein Nosocomial Disinfector
  Experiment 11 Iodimetric Determination of Glucose in Nosocomial Injection
  Experiment 12 Determination of Water Hardness Using Complexometric Titration
  Experiment 13 The Common Ion Effect and Precipitation Equilibrium
  Experiment 14 Preparation and Properties of Buffer Solutions
  Experiment 15 Oxidation?Reduction Reaction andElectrode Potential
  Experiment 16 Preparation and Properties of Coordination Compounds
  Experiment 17 Transition Metals
  Experiment 18 Spectrophotometric Determinationof Protein in Peanut
  Experiment 19 Determination of the Composition and the Stability Constantfor anIronⅢ?Sulfosalicylate Complex
  Experiment 20 Spectrophotometric Determination of Crystal Field Splitting Energy of
  Experiment 21 Measurement of Chloride Ion Content in Saline
  Experiment 22 Measurement of Nitrite Concentration in Food
  Experiment 23 Determination of Nitrate Content in Water Samples by Dualwavelength Spectrophotometry
  Experiment 31 Purification of Sodium Chloride
  Experiment 25 Determination of Riboflavin in Milk by Fluorimetry
  Experiment 26 The Inspection of the Perfermance of the Glass Electrode and the Determination of the pH Value of a Beverage
  Experiment 27 Determination of Water Purity by Conductometry
  Experiment 28 Determination of Fluorine Ion in Water by Fluoride Ion?selective Electrode
  Experiment 29 Determination of Benzene Series in Waste?Water by Gas Chromatography
  Experiment 30 Determination of Pigments in Food by HPLC
  Experiment 31 Purification of Sodium Chloride
  Experiment 32 Synthesis of Ferrous Ammonium Sulfate
  Experiment 33 Preparation and Properties of the Colloid
  Experiment 34 Preparation of Tin Dioxide Nanopowder by Hydrothermal Method
  Experiment 35 Determination of Trace Elements in Tea
  Experiment 36 Preparation of Zinc Gluconate and Complexometric Titrationof Zinc with EDTA
  Experiment 37 Preparation and Analysis of Potassium Trisoxalatoferrate Ⅲ Trihydrate,K3 \[FeC2O43\]·3H2O
  Experiment 38 Titration of an Eggshell
  Experiment 39 Synthesis of CobaltⅢCoordination Compounds

  Experiment 40 Determination of Fe in Water Sample
  Experiment 41 Determination of Vitamin C in Juices
  Experiment 42 Determination of Some Elements in Plant
  附錄A 元素相對原子質量表
  附錄B 常用指示劑
  附錄C 常用酸鹼的相對密度和濃度
  附錄D 常用緩衝溶液的配製
  附錄E 常用一級標準物質的乾燥條件和應用
  附錄F 常用試劑的配製
  附錄G 化學手冊簡介

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