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  • 作者:編者:許智宏|責編:劉曉楠|總主編:John Maddox//Philip Campbell//路甬祥
  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787521329292
  • 出版日期:2021/09/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:969
人民幣:RMB 568 元      售價:


編者:許智宏|責編:劉曉楠|總主編:John Maddox//Philip Campbell//路甬祥

  "Self-recognition" in Colonial Marine Forms and Flowering Plants in Relation to the Evolution of Immunity
  Sex Pheromone Mimics of the American Cockroach
  Monosodium Glutamate Induces Convulsive Disorders in Rats
  New Hominid Skull from Bed Ⅰ, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania
  Non-random X Chromosome Expression in Female Mules and Hinnies
  Non-random Late Replication of X Chromosomes in Mules and Hinnies
  Evidence for Selective Differences between Cells with an Active Horse X Chromosome and Cells with an Active Donkey X Chromosome in the Female Mule
  Bomb 14C in the Human Population
  Lithium in Psychiatry
  Formation of New Connexions in Adult Rat Brains after Partial Deafferentation
  Change in Methylation of 16S Ribosomal RNA Associated with Mutation to Kasugamycin Resistance in Escherichia coli
  Problems of Artificial Fertilization
  Tyrosine tRNA Precursor Molecule Polynucleotide Sequence
  Poly A Sequences at the 3' Termini of Rabbit Globin mRNAs
  兔球蛋白信使RNA 3』末端的多聚腺?酸序列
  On the Mechanism of Action of lac Repressor
  Functional Organization of Genetic Material as a Product of Molecular Evolution
  Covalently Linked RNA-DNA Molecule as Initial Product of RNA Tumour Virus DNA Polymerase
  Titration of Oral Nicotine Intake with Smoking Behaviour in Monkeys
  Redistribution and Pinocytosis of Lymphocyte Surface Immunoglobulin Molecules Induced by Anti-Immunoglobulin Antibody
  Immunoglobulin E (Reagin) and Allergy
  Egg Transfer in Domestic Animals
  In vitro Culture of Rabbit Ova from the Single Cell to the Blastocyst Stage
  Proposed Mechanism of Force Generation in Striated Muscle
  Molecular Evolution in the Descent of Man

  Logarithmic Relationship of DDE Residues to Eggshell Thinning
  Disagreements on Why Brown Pelican Eggs Are Thin
  Use of "Whole Egg Residues" in Pesticide/Eggshell Studies
  DDE in Eggs and Embryos of Brown Pelicans
  Problems Still with Scrapie Agent
  Rapid Diagnosis of Scrapie in the Mouse
  Scrapie Agent and Neurones
  Calcium lons and Muscle Contraction
  Transmission of Kuru from Man to Rhesus Monkey (Macaca mulatta) 8 1/2Years after Inoculation
  接種8 1/2年後庫魯病從人傳染到恆河猴(獼猴)
  Inhibition of Prostaglandin Synthetase in Brain Explains the Antipyretic Activity of Paracetamol (4-Acetamidophenol)
  A Possible Role for Histone in the Synthesis of DNA
  Biochemical Evidence for the Bidirectional Replication of DNA in Escherichia coli
  DNA Replication Sites within Nuclei of Mammalian Cells
  In vitro Fertilization of Rat Eggs
  Do Honey Bees Have a Language?
  T and B Lymphocytes and Immune Responses
  On Estimating Functional Gene Number in Eukaryotes
  Fusion of Rat and Mouse Morulae and Formation of Chimaeric Blastocysts
  Linkage Analysis in Man by Somatic Cell Genetics
  Isolation of the Islets of Langerhans for Transplantation
  Evidence for an Advanced Plio-Pleistocene Hominid from East Rudolf, Kenya
  Practical Application of Acupuncture Analgesia
  Resonance Raman Spectroscopy of the Photoreceptor-like Pigment of Halobacterium halobium
  Double Helix at Atomic Resolution
  Eukaryotes–prokaryotes Divergence Estimated by 5S Ribosomal RNA Sequences

  Isolation and Genetic Localization of Three ψX174 Promoter Regions
  Depression of Freezing Point by Glycoproteins from an Antarctic Fish
  Muscular Contraction and Cell Motility
  Effect of Lithium on Brain Dopamine
  L-Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase in Parkinson's Disease: Effect of L-Dopa Therapy
  Neutral Mutations
  Further Evidence of Lower Pleistocene Hominids from East Rudolf, North Kenya, 1973
  Kinky Helix
  Continuous Cultures of Fused Cells Secreting Antibody of Predefined Specificity
  Plio-Pleistocene Hominid Discoveries in Hadar, Ethiopia
  Single-channel Currents Recorded from Membrane of Denervated Frog Muscle Fibres
  Simple Mathematical Models with Very Complicated Dynamics
  Australopithecus, Homo erectus and the Single Species Hypothesis
  Fossil Hominids from the Laetolil Beds
  Nucleotide Sequence of Bacteriophage ΦX174 DNA

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