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  • 作者:(英)蘭德爾·霍姆|責編:李亞琦
  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787521328707
  • 出版日期:2021/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:251
人民幣:RMB 46 元      售價:



List of Activities
List of Figures and Tables
1  Introduction
  The linguistics applied approach: generative linguistics and second language learning
  The applied linguistics of second language learning
  Language as a social semiotic
  The emergence of cognitive linguistics
  Ending the LA-AL divide
  The purpose of the book
Part Ⅰ  Embodied Experience
  2  The Problem of Linguistic Meaning
    The problem of meaning
    Language learning as category learning
  3  Conceptualisation, Embodiment and the Origins of Meaning
    Proprioception: how the body remains aware of its own position in space
    Not seeing but conceptualising
    Cognitive development and infant movement
    Aplasic phantoms
    Mirror neurons
    The nature of language: image schemas and embodied cognition
    Education and embodiment
    Language teaching and embodiment: language as rhythm and movement
    Language teaching and embodiment: mime, enactment and movement
    Language teaching and embodiment: rethinking TPR Conclusions
  4  Gesture
    The importance of gesture in communication
    Gesture in education
    Gesture and teaching prepositions
    Gesture and English articles
Part Ⅱ  Conceptualisation
  5  Language, Culture and Linguistic Relativity
    The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
    Meaning and conceptualisation
    Linguistic relativity: how different is different?
    Experimental evidence for linguistic relativity
    To learn new meanings, do we have to conceptualise the world differently?
    Second language errors and linguistic relativity
    Errors that use first language forms and meanings within the second language
    Errors that over-generalise some acquired formal or semantic feature of the second languageFalse friends
    The problem of separating meaning from conceptualisation
    Can one change a conceptualisation?
    Language, culture and conceptualisation in the classroom
    Language, culture and learning
    Different meanings for different languages

  6  Conceptualisation and Construal
    Construal operations
    Attention and salience
    Attention, salience and enactive SLA
    Metonymy: attention and salience
    Scope of attention
    Scalar adjustment
    Dynamic attention
    Judgment and comparison
    Category formation
    Category formation and language teaching
    Metaphor and language teaching
    Metaphor analysis
    Metaphor and target language differentiation
    The explanatory power of metaphor and analogy
    Using metaphor to learn second language lexis and grammar
    Figure-ground conceptual operations, force dynamics and action chains
    Perspectives and situatedness
Part Ⅲ  Meaning and Usage
  7  Teaching Encyclopaedic Meaning
    Word networks: hyponymy and schematicity
    Word networks: meronymy
    Crossing category borders
    Knowledge types and encyclopaedic meaning
    Finding the frame
    Phonological sense relations
  8  Usage and Grammatical Meaning
    Type and token
    Language learning as construction learning
    Recognising constructions
    Teaching constructions
    Teaching filled constructions: idioms
    Teaching partially filled constructions: lexis, meaning and conceptualisation
    Teaching partially filled constructions: bound morphemes, inflections and lexis
    Teaching partially filled constructions: bound morphemes
    Teaching partially filled constructions: lexis and morphemes
    Teaching partially filled constructions: lexis
    Teaching unfilled constructions

    Routines for more advanced students: lexis, meaning and conceptualisation
    Encountering constructions
    Finding useful forms
Part Ⅳ  Conclusions
  9  Towards a Cognitive Linguistics Syllabus
    Product and process
    Language teaching implications
    Re-embedding linguistic form in the imagery and movement from which it emerged
    Engage the learners in the explicit analysis of form and meaning
    A forum for usage

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