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  • 作者:(英)斯圖爾特·C.普爾|責編:李鑫
  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787521328738
  • 出版日期:2021/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:214
人民幣:RMB 40 元      售價:



1  What Is Language?
  1.1  The Significance of Language
  1.2  What Is Language?
  1.3  The Functions of Language
  1.4  What Is a Language?
  1.5  The Elements of Language
2  Lexis
  2.1  What Is a Word?
  2.2  Where Do Words Come From?
3  Semantics
  3.1  The Function of Lexemes
  3.2  The Meaning of Meaning
  3.3  Semantic Range
  3.4  The Definition of Semantic Range
  3.5  Collocation and Idiom
  3.6  Homonymy and Polysemy
  3.7  The Human Element of Meaning
  3.8  Pragmatics
  3.9  Discourse Analysis
4  Phonetics
  4.1  The Organs of Speech
  4.2  Consonants
  4.3  Phonemic Notation
  4.4  Vowels
  4.5  Sounds in Sequence
5  Phonology
  5.1  Sound Systems of Languages
  5.2  The Phoneme
  5.3  Phonological Rules
  5.4  The Phonology of English
  5.5  The Phonology of Other Languages
  5.6  Suprasegmental Features
6  Morphology
  6.1  The Composition of Words
  6.2  Morphemes
  6.3  Derivation and Inflection
  6.4  Productivity and Word Formation
  6.5  Problems of Morphological Analysis

7  Syntax
  7.1  Syntax as Opposed to Morphology
  7.2  Word Classes
  7.3  Constituent Structure
  7.4  Noam Chomsky
  7.5  Syntactic Forms
8  Regional Variation
  8.1  Variations of Variations
  8.2  Horizontal Definition of Dialect
  8.3  Vertical Definition of Dialect
  8.4  The Nature of Variation
9  Social Variation
  9.1  The Social Dimension
  9.2  The Standard Language
  9.3  The Urban Vanguard
  9.4  Men and Women
  9.5  Power and Solidarity
  9.6  Registers and Diglossia
  9.7  Taboo and Political Correctness
  9.8  Slang
10  Historical Linguistics
  10.1  The Diachronic Dimension
  10.2  How Language Changes
  10.3  Why Language Changes
  10.4  When Language Changes
  10.5  Divergence
  10.6  Convergence
  10.7  Pidgins and Creoles
11  The Languages of Western Europe
  11.1  The Indo-European Family of Languages
  11.2  The Germanic Languages
  11.3  The Romance Languages
  11.4  The Celtic Languages
  11.5  Finnish
12  Writing Systems
  12.1  Communication across Time and Space
  12.2  Morphemic and Phonetic Script
  12.3  Chinese Script-A Morphemic System

  12.4  Roman Script-An Alphabetic System
  12.5  Allographs
Guide to Exercises

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