幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:韓照紅|責編:李鑫
  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787521328684
  • 出版日期:2021/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:201
人民幣:RMB 36 元      售價:



1  Introduction
  Fossilization and Ultimate Attainment
    General failure
    Differential success/failure
  A Conceptual Framework
  An Outline of the Book
2  What Is Fossilization?
  Selinker?s Definitions
  Others? View
  Dictionary Definitions
  An Alternative Definition
  Key Issues
    Is fossilization global or local?
    Is fossilization a product or a process?
3  Behavioral Reflexes and Causal Variables
  An Overview
  Sample Explanations
    Absence of corrective feedback
    Quality of input
    Lack of access to universal grammar
    Failure of parameter resetting
    Learning inhibiting learning
    Automatization of faulty knowledge
    Lack of understanding
    Processing constraints
    Lack of sensitivity to input
    Change in emotional state
    Natural inclination to focus on content, not on form
    Satisfaction of communicative needs
    Lack of acculturation
    Will to maintain identity
  Two Primary Determinants of Lack of Ability
4  A Macroscopic Analysis: Critical Period Effects
  The Critical Period Hypothesis
  CPH in FLA and SLA
  The Modular Nature of CP
  Critical Period Effects on Language Learning
5  A Macroscopic Analysis: Native Language Transfer
  Transfer-inspired Delay in L2 Learning
  ?Transfer to Somewhere? and ?Transfer to Nowhere?
  Transfer of ?Thinking for Speaking?
    The Schwartz and Sprouse (1996) study
    The Sorace (1993) study

6  A Microscopic Analysis: Some Empirical Evidence
  Some Empirical Studies
    The longitudinal approach
    The typical-error approach
    The advanced-learner approach
    The corrective-feedback approach
    The length-of-residence approach
  Critique of the Methodologies
    Two recent longitudinal studies
    Is stabilization synonymous with fossilization?
    Should a longitudinal study last five years or longer?
  The Modular Nature of Fossilization
  Linguistic Features Prone to Fossilization
  The Multiple Effects Principle
7  Second Language Instruction and Fossilization
  To What Extent Does Instruction Aid Acquisition?
    Explicit or implicit instruction?
    Is grammar instruction necessary?
    The zone of capability
  To What Extent Does Instruction Promote Fossilization?
    Classroom input
    Pedagogic strategies
    Opportunity for use of languageSummary
8  Summary and Conclusion
  A Synopsis
  Implications for Research and Practice
  General Directions for Future Research

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