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  • 作者:編者:李正栓//吳偉仁//吳曉梅|責編:王茜
  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787521329162
  • 出版日期:2021/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:243
人民幣:RMB 49.9 元      售價:



Part Ⅰ The 5th Century till the First Half of the 14th Century: The Age of Anglo-Saxon Poetry and the Anglo-Norman Poetry
  Chapter 1 The Anglo-Saxon Period (449-1066)
  Chapter 2 The Anglo-Norman Period (1066–1350)
    Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Part Ⅱ The 14th Century: The Age of Geoffrey Chaucer
  Chapter 3 Geoffrey Chaucer
    The Canterbury Tales
Part Ⅲ The 15th Century: The Age of Popular Ballads
  Chapter 4 Popular Ballads
    Robin Hood and Allin-a-Dale
    Get Up and Bar the Door
    Sir Patrick Spens
Part Ⅳ The 16th Century: The Age of Drama and Poetry
  Chapter 5 Thomas Wyatt
    I Find No Peace
  Chapter 6 Henry Howard
    The Soote Season
  Chapter 7 Edmund Spenser
    Sonnet 34
    Sonnet 75
  Chapter 8 Walter Raleigh
    The Nymph』s Reply to the Shepherd
  Chapter 9 Philip Sidney
    Leave Me, O Love
  Chapter 10 Francis Bacon
    Of Studies
  Chapter 11 Christopher Marlowe
    The Passionate Shepherd to His Love
  Chapter 12 William Shakespeare
    Sonnet 1
    Sonnet 18
    Sonnet 29
  Chapter 13 Ben Jonson
    Song: To Celia
Part Ⅴ The 17th Century: Revolution, Restoration and New Poetic
  Chapter 14 John Donne
    A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning
    The Flea
    Song (Go and catch a falling star)
    Death, Be Not Proud
  Chapter 15 Robert Herrick
    To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time
  Chapter 16 George Herbert
  Chapter 17 John Milton

    Paradise Lost
    On His Blindness
    On His Deceased Wife
  Chapter 18 John Suckling and Richard Lovelace
    Out upon It! Song (Why so pale and wan, fond lover)
    To Lucasta, Going to the Wars
  Chapter 19 Andrew Marvell
    To His Coy Mistress
  Chapter 20 John Bunyan
    The Pilgrim』s Progress
Part Ⅵ The 18th Century: Enlightenment, Neo-classicism and Pre-romanticism
  Chapter 21 John Dryden
    A Song for St Cecilia』s Day
  Chapter 22 Daniel Defoe
    Robinson Crusoe
  Chapter 23 Jonathan Swift
    Gulliver』s Travels
    A Modest Proposal
  Chapter 24 Joseph Addison and Richard Steele
    Sir Roger at Church
  Chapter 25 Alexander Pope
    An Essay on Criticism
  Chapter 26 Henry Fielding
    The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
  Chapter 27 Thomas Gray
    Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
  Chapter 28 Oliver Goldsmith
    The Vicar of Wakefield
  Chapter 29 Richard Brinsley Sheridan
    The School for Scandal
  Chapter 30 William Blake
    The Tyger
    The Chimney Sweeper
    The Sick Rose
  Chapter 31 Robert Burns
    My Heart』s in the Highlands
    John Anderson, My Jo
    A Red, Red Rose
    Auld Lang Syne
    Mary Morison
    Scots, Wha Hae

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