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  • 作者:(澳)努魯拉·阿宰木|責編:李鵬//李蘭靜
  • 出版社:哈爾濱工業大學
  • ISBN:9787560394244
  • 出版日期:2021/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:202
人民幣:RMB 98 元      售價:

    本書給出了半有限Von Neumann代數中的譜位移函數的統一闡述,以及許多其他相關的理論。這些內容包括Brown測度、Fuglede-Kadison行列式、二重運算元積分、譜平均和Breuer相對Fredholm運算元理論,書中還專門討論了半有限Dixmier跡。本書共分四章,第一章為預備知識,包括希爾伯特空間中的運算符、Frechet衍生;第二章包括譜理論跟蹤、譜理論痕跡的Lidski公式;第三章介紹了譜函數,包括跟蹤類擾動的SSF、多重積分運算元;第四章介紹了光譜流,包括初步的結果和譜移函數。本書適合對函數分析、運算元理論、運算元代數和數學物理等方向有興趣的學者和專家參考閱讀。


1  Preliminaries
  1.1  Operators in Hilbert space
    1.1.1  Notation
    1.1.2  Topologies of B(H)
    1.1.3  Self-adjoint operators
    1.1.4  Numerical range
    1.1.5  The Bochner integral
  1.2  Frechet derivativc
  1.3  von Neumann algebras
    1.3.1  Basic properties of von Neumann algebras
    1.3.2  Projections in von Neumann algebras
    1.3.3  Semifinite von Neumann algebras
    1.3.4  Operators affiliated with a von Neumann algebra
    1.3.5  Generalized s-numbers
    1.3.6  Non-commutative L-spaces
    1.3.7  Holomorphic functional calculus
    1.3.8  Invariant operator ideals in semifinite von Neumann algebras
  1.4  Integration of operator-valued functions
  1.5  Theory of i-Fredhalm operators
    1.5.1  Definition and elementary properties of T-Fredholm operators
    1.5.2  The semifinite Fredholm alternative
    1.5.3  The semifinite Atkinson theorem
    1.5.4  Properties of T--Fredholm operators
    1.5.5  Skew-corner T-Fredholrn operators
    1,5.6  Essential codimension of two projections
    1.5.7  The Carey-Phillips theorem
  1.6  Spectral flow in semifinite von Neumann algebras
  1.7  Fuglede-Kadison's determinant in sernifinite yon Neumann algebras
    1.7.1  de la Harpe-Seandalis determinant
    1.7.2  Technical lemmas
    1.7.3  Definition of Fuglede-Kadison determinant and its properties
  1.8  The Brown measure
    1.8.1  Weyl functions
    1.8.2  The Weierstrass function
    1.8.3  Subharmonic functions
    1.8.4  Technical results
    1.8.5  The Brown measure
    1.8.6  The Lidskii theorem for the Brown measure
    1.8.7  Additional properties of the Brown measure
2  Spectrality of Dixmier trace
  2.1 The Dixmier trace in sermifinite yon Neumann algebras
    2.1.1  The Dixmier traces in semifinite von Neumann algebras
    2.1.2  Measurability of operators
  2.2  Lidskii formula for Dixmier traces
    2.2.1  Spectral characterization of sums of commutators
    2 2.2  The Lidskii formula for the Dixmier trace
3  Spectral shift function in yon Neumann algebras
  3.1  Spectral shift function for trace class perturbations
    3.1.1  Krein's trace formula: resolvent perturbations

    3.1.2  The Krein trace formula: general case
  3.2  Multiple operator integrals in yon Neumann algebras
    3.2.1  BS representations
    3.2.2  Multiple operator integrals
  3.3  Higher order Frechet differenTiabiLity
  3.4  Spectral shift and spectral averaging in semifinite yon Neumann algebras
4  Spectral shift function and spectral flow
  4.1  Prelinfinary results
    4.1.1  Self-adjoint operators with T-compact resolvent
    4.1.2  Difference quotients and double operator integrals
    4.1.3  Some continuity and differentinbfiity properties of operator functions138
    4.1.4  A class Fa,b(N1, T) of T-Fredholm operators
  4.2  The  spectral  shift  function  for  operators  with  compact  resolvent
    4.2.1  The unbounded case
    4.2.2  The bounded case
  4.3  Spectral flow
    4.3.1  The spectral flow function
    4.3.2  Spectral flow one-forms: unbounded case
    4.3.3  Spectral flow one-forms: bounded case
    4.3.4  The first formula for spectral flow
    4.3.5  Spectral flow in the unbounded case
    4.3.6  The spectral flow formulae in the Z-summable spectral triple case
    4.3.7  Recovering n-invariants
Concluding remarks

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