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  • 作者:編者:劉雍|責編:沈靖//孔會雲
  • 出版社:中國紡織
  • ISBN:9787518086979
  • 出版日期:2021/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:264
人民幣:RMB 56 元      售價:



Lesson One  Textiles: History, Development and Category
Lesson Two  Cotton
Lesson Three  Properties of the Naturally Colored Cottons*
Lesson Four  Wool
Lesson Five  Silk
Lesson Six  Flax
Lesson Seven  Other Bast Fibers*
Lesson Eight  Man-made Fibers
Lesson Nine  Regenerated Fibers*
Lesson Ten  Synthetic Fibers
Lesson Eleven  Functional Fibers (1)*
Lesson Twelve  Functional Fibers (2)*
Lesson Thirteen  Fiber Identification
Lesson Fourteen  Staple Fiber Spinning
Lesson Fifteen  New Spinning System (1)
Lesson Sixteen  New Spinning System (2)*
Lesson Seventeen  Relationship Between Yam Structure and Fabric Performance
Lesson Eighteen  Yarn Properties (1)
Lesson Nineteen  Yam Properties (2)
Lesson Twenty  Textured Yarn*
Lesson Twenty-One  Blend Yarns and Fabrics*
Lesson Twenty-Two  Woolen and Worsted
Lesson Twenty-Three  Raw Wool Treatment*
Lesson Twenty-Four  Woolen Carding*
Lesson Twenty-Five  Yam Winding
Lesson Twenty-Six  Warping
Lesson Twenty-Seven  Warp Sizing
Lesson Twenty-Eight  Elongation and Elasticity of the Sized Yarn*
Lesson Twenty-Nine  Weaving
Lesson Thirty  Shedding*
Lesson Thirty-One  Shuttleless Looms
Lesson Thirty-Two  Basic Weaves*
Lesson Thirty-Three  Several Typical Weaves
Lesson Thirty-Four  Knitting
Lesson Thirty-Five  Knitting Machines and Principles*
Lesson Thirty-Six  Basic Knitted Structures*
Lesson Thirty-Seven  Fabric Finishing and Dyeing
Lesson Thirty-Eight  Fabric Permanent Set and Shrinkage Control*
Lesson Thirty-Nine  Nonwovens
Lesson Forty  Nonwovens for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)*
Lesson Forty-One  Other Applications of Nonwoven Fabrics*
Lesson Forty-Two  Appearance, Maintenance and Durability of Fabrics
Lesson Forty-Three  Fashion Style and Design
Lesson Forty-Four  Fashion Movement*
Lesson Forty-Five  Mechanical Properties of Fabrics
Lesson Forty-Six  Other Physics Properties of Fabrics*
Lesson Forty-Seven  Standards for Textiles and Apparel
Lesson Forty-Eight  Textile Legislation*
Lesson Forty-Nine  High Performance Fibers*
Lesson Fifty  Nanofibers*

Lesson Fifty-One  0verview of Industrial Textiles
Lesson Fifty-Two  Classification of Industrial Textiles*
Lesson Fifty-Three  Differences Between Industfial Textiles and Non-industrial Textiles*
Lesson Fifty-Four  Textile Reinforced Composite Materials*
Lesson Fifty-Five  Textiles in Transportation*
Lesson Fifty-Six  Geotextiles*
Lesson Fifty-Seven  Future Textiles

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