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  • 作者:編者:關曉薇//鮑倩//李秀英|責編:王赫男|總主編:李秀英
  • 出版社:大連理工大學
  • ISBN:9787568529679
  • 出版日期:2021/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:224
人民幣:RMB 48 元      售價:

    本教材共分為13個單元,每個單元3篇課文。課文前設置單元提要、單元目標、核心名稱,為學生在課前概括的展示整個單元的重要知識點;課文後設置辭彙表和專有名詞表,設置5大類習題:Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary Building, Translation, Presentation, Critical Writing。教材以英國各個歷史時期的著名人物和重大曆史事件為主線,系統地介紹了英國歷史的發展脈絡,側重主要歷史事件和歷史人物。


Unit 1 A Brief Introduction to Britain
  Part 1 Territory and Geography
  Part 2 British Government
  Part 3 British Monarchy
Unit 2 Feudalist England
  Part 1 William I and Norman Conquest
  Part 2 Establishment of Feudalism and Domesday Book
  Part 3 Henry Il and His Reforms
Unit 3 Parliament The Earliest Parliament
  Part 1 King John and Magna Carta
  Part 2 Simon de Montfort and the Origin of British
  Part 3 Edward I and the Development of Parliament
Unit 4 Hundred Years'Warand Peasants'Revolt
  Part 1 Edward Ⅲ and Hundred Years'War
  Part 2 Black Death and Peasants'Revolt
  Part 3 Henry V and Later Hundred Years'War
Unit 5 Wars of the Roses
  Part 1 Henry VI and Wars of the Roses
  Part 2 Edward IV and Warwick's Revolt
  Part 3 Henry VI and End of Wars of the Roses
Unit 6 English Reformation
  Part 1 Henry MI and English Reformation
  Part 2 Henry VIl and His Six Marriages
  Part 3 Mary I and Her Bloody Persecution
Unit 7 The Elizabethan Era
  Part 1 Elizabeth I and Her Achievements
  Part 2 Defeat of Spanish Armada
  Part 3 English Renaissance
Unit 8 English Civil Wars
  Part 1 James I and Gunpowder Plot
  Part 2 Charles I and English Civil Wars
  Part 3 Oliver Cromwell and Commonwealth of England
Unit 9 Establishment ofConstitutional Monarchy
  Part 1 Charles Ⅱ and the Restoration
  Part 2 James Ⅱ and Glorious Revolution
  Part 3 Constitutional Monarchy
Unit 10 Britain in the Eighteenth Century
  Part 1 George Ⅰ and the Cabinet
  Part 2 William Pitt and the Seven Years' War
  Part 3 George Ⅲ and American Independence
Unit 11 Britain in the Nineteenth Century
  Part 1 Britain as Workshop of the World
  Part 2 The Victorian Era
  Part 3 Political Reforms
Unit 12 Britain and Two World Wars
  Part 1 Britain and WWI
  Part 2 Britain and WWII
  Part 3 Decline of Liberal   Party and Development of
Unit 13 Labour   Party Britain after the War
  Part 1 Situation of Britain after WWⅡ

  Part 2 Elizabeth Ⅱ and British Royal Family
  Part 3 The Commonwealth of Nations

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