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  • 作者:編者:李龍彪//(烏克蘭)蒂尼亞科夫·德米特里|責編:江小珍
  • 出版社:北京航空航天大學
  • ISBN:9787512435773
  • 出版日期:2021/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:219
人民幣:RMB 46 元      售價:



Chapter 1 General Information About Composite Materials
  1.1  Composite material, what is this?
  1.2  Composite material classification
    1.2.1  Composite material classification by components geometry
    1.2.2  Composite material classification by components space arrangement
    1.2.3  Composite material classification by nature of components
    1.2.4  Composite material classification by matrix material
    1.2.5  Composite material classification by reinforcing components geometry
    1.2.6  Composite material classification by components structure and arrangement
    1.2.7  Composite material classification by reinforcing scheme
    1.2.8  Composite material classification by production technology
    1.2.9  Composite material classification by application
  1.3  Composite materials in the aircraft industry
  1.4  Composite materials application trends
Chapter 2 Composite Materials' Components
  2.1  Matrix materials
  2.1  . 1 Metal matrix
    2.1.2  Polymer matrices
    2.1.3  Ceramic matrices
  2.2  Reinforcing elements
    2.2.1  Metallic fibers
    2.2.2  Glass and silica fibers
    2.2.3  Carbon fibers
    2.2.4  Boron fibers
    2.2.5  Organic fibers
    2.2.6  Ceramic fibers
    2.2.7  Crystal whiskers
  2.3  Reinforcing elements formation
Chapter 3 Production of Polymeric Composite Materials and Products from Them
  3.1  Impression molding
    3.1.1  Hand lay-up
    3.1.2  Automated placement
    3.1.3  Schoop
  3.2  Polymer composite material structure production on a base of an elastic diaphragm
    3.2.1  Vacuum forming
    3.2.2  Vacuum-autoclave forming
    3.2.3  Press-chamber molding
  3.3  Polymer composite material structure production on a base of a pressure-forming technology
    3.3.1  Plenum-chamber process
    3.3.2  Impregnation in vacuum process
  3.4  Polymer composite material production on a base of compression molding
    3.4.1  Direct compression molding
    3.4.2  Injection compression molding
    3.4.3  Thermocompression molding
  3.5  Polymer composite material parts production on a base of a winding process
    3.5.1  Winding process types
    3.5.2  Contact pressure for winding process

    3.5.3  Composite material curing process
    3.5.4  Winding pattern types
  3.6  Polymer composite material structure production on a base of the pultrusion
  3.7  Preform substance processing for polymer composite materials parts production
Chapter 4 Mechanical Behavior of Polymer Composite Materials
  4.1  Composite materials modulus of elasticity
4. h 1 Normal elastic modulus of one-directional composite material in the direction of the reinforcement axis
    4.1.2  Normal elastic modulus of one-directional composite material in the transverse direction of the reinforcement axis
  4.2  Composite materials tensile strength
    4.2.1  Breaking strength of an unidirectionally reinforced composite material
    4.2.2  Fiber orientation influence on composite material strength properties
    4.2.3  Composite material strength properties reinforced with discrete fibers
    4.2.4  Fiber volume fraction influence on composite material strength
  4.3  Composite materials compression strength
  4.4  Composite materials destruction features
Chapter 5 Composite Materials Joints
  5.1  Composite materials joints classification
  5.2  Bonded joints
  5.3  Molding joints
  5.4  Welded joints
  5.5  Threaded joints
  5.6  Riveted joints
  5.7  Self-locking joints
  5.8  Stitching and needle joints
  5.9  Combined joints
Chapter 6 Polymeric Composite Materials Repair
  6.1  Structural repair requirements
  6.2  Requirements for repaired structures
  6.3  Defects types
  6.4  Repairing processes
    6.4.1  Scratches repair
    6.4.2  Delamination repair
    6.4.3  Layer separation repair
    6.4.4  Cracks repair
    6.4.5  Dents, break-through and one side holes smaller than 40 mm repair
    6.4.6  Dents and one-side holes more than 40 mm repair
    6.4.7  Thru hole repair
    6.4.8  Units tips repair
    6.4.9  Sound-absorbing structures delamination in the air-intake ducts repair
    6.4.10  Manufactural solutions for the repair quality increasing
Chapter 7 Composite Materials Structures Safety
  7.1  General safety issues for composite materials structures
    7.1.1  Polymer composite material structure creation on the "Building Block" base
    7.1.2  Polymer composite material selection criteria
    7.1.3  Criteria for selecting the manufactural process
    7.1.4  Criteria for selecting the design solutions

7. 1.5 Polymer composite material aircraft with a safety high level and weight efficiency creation approach
  7.2  Testing and certification of the polymer composite material
    7.2.1  Composite material behavior
    7.2.2  Composite material test methods
    7.2.3  Composite material environmental certification
  7.3  Certification approach for an aircraft with composite material units
    7.3.1  Airframe structures certification
    7.3.2  The design allowance development
    7.3.3  Static strength demonstration
    7.3.4  Fatigue strength demonstration
    7.3.5  Damage tolerance demonstration
    7.3.6  The impact damage threat assessment

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