幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:干福熹|譯者:李洪//侯立松
  • 出版社:上海科技
  • ISBN:9787547852804
  • 出版日期:2021/06/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:789
人民幣:RMB 580 元      售價:



List of Translators
Foreword to the English Version
List of Authors
Preface to the Series
Foreword to the Chinese Version
Chapter 1 Overview of Ancient Chinese Glass
  Fuxi Gan
  1.1  Overview of domestic ancient glass research and historical records
  1.2  Western research and commentary on ancient Chinese glass
  1.3  Status and progress of research of ancient Chinese glass
Chapter 2 Nature and Characteristics of Glassy Materials
  Fuxi Gan
  2.1  Crystalline and non-crystalline material, jade gemstone and glass
  2.2  Macroscopic property and microstructural characteristics of glass
  2.3  Crystallization and phase separation in glass...
  2.4  Coloration of glass
Chapter 3 Development of Non-Destructive
  Analytical Techniques and Their
  Applications in Ancient Chinese
  Glass Research
  Fuxi Gan
  3.1  LRS and AES analyses
  3.2  X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy (XFS) analysis
  3.3  Trace element and isotope analysis
  3.4  Application of non-destructive analytical method
  (an example)
Chapter 4 Scientific Research on Natural Glass Hongxia Zhao, Fuxi Gan and Zhenqi Xu
  4.1  Experimental sample and method
  4.2  Difference in natural glass texture
  4.3  pXRF experimental result of natural glass
  4.4  Characteristics of volcanic glass (obsidian)
  4.5  Characteristics of meteorite glass(glassy meteorite)
  4.6  Libyan Desert Glass
Chapter 5 Scientific Research of Ancient
Chinese Faience
Chapter 6 Ancient Glass Technology
Development in the Western World
Chapter 7 Ancient Glass Technology
Development in the Eastern World
Chapter 8 Historical Records of Ancient
Chinese Glass
Chapter 9 Glass Technology of the Pre—Qin
and Han Dynasties in the Middle and
Lower Reaches of the Yellow River
and Yangtze River of China

Chapter 10 Glass Technology of the Wei,Jin,and
Southern and Northern Dynasties in the
Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yellow
River and Yangtze River of China
Chapter 11 Glass Technology of the Sui, Tang
and Song Dynasties in the Middle and
Lower Reaches of the Yellow River and
Yangtze River of China
Chapter 12 Ancient Glass Technology of the Yuan,
Ming and Qing Dynasties in the Middle
and Lower Reaches of the Yellow River
and Yangtze River of China
Chapter 13 Ancient Glass Technology in North
and Northwest China
Chapter 14 Ancient Glass Technology in South
and Southwest China
Chapter 15 Formation and Development
of Ancient Chinese High Temperature
Porcelain Glaze Technology
Chapter 16 Scientific Research on the
Earliest Chinese Low-Temperature
Lead-Barium Glazed Ceramics
Chapter 17 Evolution of Ancient Glass
Composition and Origin of Glass
Manufacturing Technology in the Middle
and Lower Reaches of the Yellow River
and Yangtze River of China
Chapter 18 Cultural and Technical Exchanges
of Ancient Chinese Glass between China and
Foreign Countries

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