幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:陶金|責編:毛銳|總主編:庄智象//束定芳
  • 出版社:華東師大
  • ISBN:9787576013047
  • 出版日期:2021/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:110
人民幣:RMB 42 元      售價:



Unit 1  Me and Us
  Text 1  My First Flight
  Text 2  I Love It!
  Text 3  Penfriends
  Text 4  A Welsh School
  Text 5  Studying Abroad
  Text 6  A Day in the Life...
Unit 2  Health and Sports
  Text 1  Expedition Food
  Text 2  Stress
  Text 3  Battling to Break the Records
  Text 4  We Salute You!
  Text 5  Are They Crazy
  Text 6  Just Breathe
Unit 3  City and Country Life
  Text 1  Summer Holiday
  Text 2  Low-tech Tribes
  Text 3  Father's Day Brunch
  Text 4  Do I Know You?
  Text 5  Getting Around in Hong Kong
  Text 6  City Farming
Unit 4  Relationships and Manners
  Text 1  Let's Explore
  Text 2  People's Best Friend
  Text 3  A Typical Work Day
  Text 4  Table Manners: Lessons for Life
  Text 5  Adventures in Action
  Text 6  What We Can Do About Wasting Water
Unit 5  Natural Elements and Things
  Text 1  The Snowmen's Summer Holiday
  Text 2  What Can You See in This Cloud
  Text 3  Where Our Food Comes from
  Text 4  Musical Elephants
  Text 5  The Moon
  Text 6  Orbits
Unit 6  China and the World
  Text 1  The Clothing in the Attic
  Text 2  Zheng He: China's Own World Traveler
  Text 3  The Great Wall of China: A Must-see!
  Text 4  Unusual Festivals
  Text 5  Customs Around the World
  Text 6  Transport Around the World
Answers for Reference

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