幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:陸月華|責編:郭紅|總主編:庄智象//束定芳
  • 出版社:華東師大
  • ISBN:9787576011708
  • 出版日期:2021/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:95
人民幣:RMB 42 元      售價:



Unit 1  It's Show Time
  Text 1  Shadow Puppet Theater
  Text 2  The Art of Paper Folding
  Text 3  The Crown Diamond
  Text 4  Cheerleading
  Text 5  The Recital
  Text 6  It's All Music
Unit 2  Healthy Eating
  Text 1  How Did lan Get Out of His Jar?
  Text 2  The Healthy Eating Pyramid
  Text 3  Ollie, Don't Eat That!
  Text 4  Eat Well and Get Fit
  Text 5  From the World to Your Table (1)
  Text 6  From the World to Your Table (2)
Unit 3  Improving Life
  Text 1  Ways to Get Around
  Text 2  Satellite Guidance for the Blind
  Text 3  The World in the Palm of Your Hand
  Text 4  From Newspapers to Smartphones
  Text 5  Robots
  Text 6  Who Says Robots Can't Think?
Unit 4  Going Green
  Text 1  An Earth Day of Their Own
  Text 2  What Makes Joe Care about Earth?
  Text 3  Save Water Outdoors
  Text 4  Help Save the Animals
  Text 5  As Good as New
  Text 6  An Eco Home
Unit 5  Exploring Space
  Text 1  Deep in Outer Space
  Text 2  Traveling Around the Sun
  Text 3  How Do We Know About the Solar System?
  Text 4  The First Person on the Moon
  Text 5  A Flight to Lunar City
  Text 6  Astronauts in Training
Unit 6  Having Fun
  Text 1  Up, Down, and All Around!
  Text 2  My Tree House
  Text 3  A Public Holiday
  Text 4  Red Nose Day
  Text 5  The Best Weekend Ever
  Text 6  My First Chinese New Year
Answers for Reference

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