幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:戴燕|責編:毛銳|總主編:庄智象//束定芳
  • 出版社:華東師大
  • ISBN:9787576011722
  • 出版日期:2021/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:124
人民幣:RMB 42 元      售價:



Unit 1  Health and Diet
  Text 1  Diary of a Virus
  Text 2  What Is British Food?
  Text 3  Food: Facts and Myths
  Text 4  Rethink Your Way to Great Health
  Text 5  The History of Pizza
  Text 6  Olive Oil: From the Tree to Your Table
Unit 2  People and Jobs
  Text 1  At the Scene of a Crime
  Text 2  Now Hiring!
  Text 3  Srnokejumpers
  Text 4  Q&A on Andrew Cooney
  Text 5  The Real Spider-Man
  Text 6  A Doctor Without Borders
Unit 3  Life and Stories
  Text 1  The Cavity
  Text 2  What's Your Problem?
  Text 3  Grandma's Beauty
  Text 4  Barbara's Blog
  Text 5  The Boy on the Bus
  Text 6  Diary of a Troubled Tween
Unit 4  Nature and Wildlife
  Text 1  The Life of a Sunflower
  Text 2  The Incredible Dolphin
  Text 3  Plants
  Text 4  Can Animals Be Nice
  Text 5  Rain Forest Treasures
  Text 6  FAQs: Global Warming and Climate Change
Unit 5  History and Society
  Text 1  Telling theTime
  Text 2  Moments in Space History
  Text 3  Maps
  Text 4  A Cashless World
  Text 5  Do You Need It or Do You Want It
  Text 6  Fashion Statements
Unit 6  Science and Development
  Text 1  The Meaning of Dreams
  Text 2  Inventions
  Text 3  Biometrics--A Developing Technology
  Text 4  Why Haven't Scientists Invented It Yet
  Text 5  Life Beyond Earth
  Text 6  Is Anything Possible
Answers for Reference

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