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  • 作者:編者:劉暢唱//阮曉文|責編:張瑋琪
  • 出版社:哈爾濱工程大學
  • ISBN:9787566130471
  • 出版日期:2021/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:212
人民幣:RMB 49.8 元      售價:



Section I  Introduction to Organizational Behavior
  Chapter   Explaining Organizational Behavior
    1.1  Define organizational behavior(OB)
    1.2  Describe the two primary outcomes in studies of OB
    1.3  Identify the factors that influence the two primary OB outcomes
    1.4  Understand why firms that are good at OB tend to be more profitable
    1.5  Define "theory" and explain its role in the scientific method
    1.6  Takeaways
    1.7  Discussion questions
  Chapter    Performance and Commitment
    2.1  Define job performance and organizational commitment
    2.2  Define task performance and explain how organizations identify key task behaviors
    2.3  Understand citizenship behavior, and describe some specific examples
    2.4  Understand counterproductive behavior and describe some specific examples
    2.5  Describe the three types of organizational commitment
    2.6  Understand the four primary responses to negative events at work
    2.7  Describe examples of psychological withdrawal and physical withdrawal, and explain how they relate to one another
    2.8  Takeaways
    2.9  Discussion questions
Section Ⅱ  Individual Characteristics
  Chapter 3  Personality, Cultural Values and Ability
    3.1  Define personality, cultural values and ability
    3.2  Understand the Big Five dimensions of personality
    3.3  Understand Hofstede's dimensions of cultural values
    3.4  Describe the dimensions of cognitive ability
    3.5  Describe the dimensions of emotional ability
    3.6  Understand how ability and personality affect job performance and organizational commitment
    3.7  Takeaways
    3.8  Discussion questions
Section Ⅲ  Individual Mechanisms
  Chapter 4  Motivation
    4.1  Define motivation
    4.2  Describe expectancy theory and the three beliefs that help determine how work effort is directed
    4.3  Understand the two qualities that make goals strong predictors of task performance, according to goal-setting theory
    4.4  Describe what it means to be equitably treated according to equity theory and how employees respond when they feel a
    sense of inequity
    4.5  Describe psychological empowerment and the four beliefs that determine how empowered feel
    4.6  Understand how motivation affects job performance and organizational commitment
    4.7  Takeaways
    4.8  Discussion questions
  Chapter 5  Learning and Decision Making
    5.1  Define learning and decision making
    5.2  Describe the types of knowledge that employees can gain as they learn and build expertise
    5.3  Explain the methods by which employees learn in organizations
Section Ⅳ  Job and Organization
  Chapter 6  Job Satisfaeion
    6.1  Define job satisfaction
    6.2  Describe values and how they affect job satisfaction
    6.3  List the specific facets that individuals often use to evaluate their job satisfaction
    6.4  Understand the job characteristics that can create a sense of satisfaction with the work itself
    6.5  Define mood and emotions and describe the specific forms they take
    6.6  Understand how job satisfaction affects job performance and organizational commitment, as well as how it affects life
    6.7  Takeaways
    6.8  Disussion questions
  Chapter   Stress
    7.1  Define stress, stressors and strains
    7.2  Identify and describe the two main categories of stressors
    7.3  Describe how individuals cope with stress
    7.4  Describe how the Type A Behavior Pattern influences the stress process
    7.5  Describe how social support influences the stress process
    7.6  Describe the effects that stress has on job performance and organizational commitment?
    7.7  Takeaways
    7.8  Discussion questions
  Chapter 8  Trust, Justice and Ethics
    8.1  Define trust and describe how it relates to justice and ethics
    8.2  Understand the three sources in which trust can be rooted
    8.3  Describe the dimensions that can be used to describe how trust-worthy an authority is
    8.4  Understand the four dimensions that can be used to evaluate the fairness of an authority's decision making
    8.5  Understand the four-component model of ethical decision making
    8.6  Understand how trust affects job performance and organizational commitment
    8.7  Takeaways
    8.8  Discussion questions
Section V  Group Mechanisms
  Chapter 9  Teams
    9.1  Define teams and identify their characteristics
    9.2  Identify and describe the five general team types
    9.3  Describe the three genera] types of team interdependence
    9.4  Describe factors involved in team composition
    9.5  Define team process and discuss how team process can result in process gain process loss
    9.6  Define taskwork and describe examples of team activities that fit into this process category
    9.7  Define team states and describe concepts that fit into this process category
    9.8  Describe how team processes affect team performance and team commitment
    9.9  Takeaways
    9.10  Discussion questions
  Chapter 10  Leadership
    10.1  Define leadership, power, and explain what role power plays in leadership
    10.2  Describe the different types of power that leaders possess and when they can use those types most effectively
    10.8  Understand how transformational leadership differs from transactional leadership
    10.9  Explain how leadership affects job performance and organizational commitment
    10.10  Takeaways
    10.11  Discussion question
Section Ⅵ  Organization Mechanisms
  Chapter 11  Organizational Structure
    11.1  Define organizational structure
    11.2  Describe the major elements of an organizational structure
    11.3  Understand what organizational design is and what the organizational design process depends on
    11.4  Describe some of the more common organizational forms that an organization might adopt for its structure
    11.5  Describe the steps organizations can take to reduce the negative effects of restructuring
    11.6  Understand how organizational restructuring affects job performance and organizational commitment
    11.7  Takeaways
    11.8  Discussion questions
  Chapter 12  Organizational Culture
    12.1  Define organizational culture and describe its components
    12.2  Describe general and specific types of organizational cultures
    12.3  Describe a strong culture, and what makes a culture strong
    12.4  Explain how organizations maintain their culture and describe how companies change their culture
    12.5  Describe two steps organizations can take to make sure that newcomers will fit with their culture
    12.6  Culture maintenance and culture change
    12.7  Takeaways
    12.8  Discussion questions

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