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  • 作者:編者:劉美岩//劉海萍|責編:焦銘|總主編:劉美岩
  • 出版社:西安交大
  • ISBN:9787569318340
  • 出版日期:2021/03/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:248
人民幣:RMB 58 元      售價:



Unit 1  Writing effective sentences
  1.1  Four basic sentence structures
    1.1.1  Simple sentences
    1.1.2  Compound sentences
    1.1.3  Complex sentences
    1.1.4  Compound-complex sentences
  1.2  Writing effective sentences
    1.2.1  Unity
    1.2.2  Coherence
    1.2.3  Conciseness
    1.2.4  Variety
  1.3  Diction in sentences
    1.3.1  Types of diction
    1.3.2  General and specific words
    1.3.3  Abstract and concrete words
    1.3.4  Denotation and connotation of words
    1.3.5  Variation of words
Unit 2  Paragraph writing
  2.1  Structure of a paragraph
    2.1.1  Topic sentence and its controlling idea
    2.1.2  Position of a topic sentence
    2.1.3  Supporting sentences
    2.1.4  Concluding sentences
  2.2  Major characteristics of an effective paragraph
    2.2.1  Paragraph unity
    2.2.2  Paragraph coherence
  2.3  Paragraph development
    2.3.1  Chronological method
    2.3.2  Spatial sequencing method
    2.3.3  Definition
    2.3.4  Comparison and contrast
    2.3.5  Cause and effect
    2.3.6  Exemplification
    2.3.7  Classification
    2.3.8  Testimony
    2.3.9  Listing
    2.3.10  A combination method
  2.4  Students' writing and its modification
Unit 3  Essay writing
  3.1  Argumentative essay writing
    3.1.1  Structure of argumentative essays
    3.1.2  Components of an introductory paragraph
    3.1.3  Common methods of introduction
    3.1.4  Body paragraphs writing
    3.1.5  Concluding paragraph writing
    3.1.6  Tips for writing a good argumentative essay
    3.1.7  Sample argumentative essays
  3.2  Exposition writing
    3.2.1  Introduction
    3.2.2  Features of expository writing

    3.2.3  Writing strategies
  3.3  Descriptive writing
    3.3.1  Introduction
    3.3.2  Types of description
    3.3.3  Writing strategies
  3.4  Narrative writing
    3.4.1  Introduction
    3.4.2  Perspective of narration
    3.4.3  Writing strategies
Unit 4  Table and graph writing
  4.1  Guidelines for table writing and graph writing
  4.2  Table writing
    4.2.1  Understanding a table
    4.2.2  Describing a table
  4.3  Graph writing
    4.3.1  Line graph writing
    4.3.2  Bar chart writing
    4.3.3  Pie chart writing
  4.4  Vocabulary and sentence patterns
    4.4.1  Vocabulary in table and graph writing
    4.4.2  Sentence patterns
Unit 5  Practical writing
  5.1  Letters
    5.1.1  Addressing an envelope
    5.1.2  Format of letters
    5.1.3  Business letters and personal letters
    5.1.4  Application letter
    5.1.5  Letter of claims and complaints
    5.1.6  Invitation letter
    5.1.7  Recommendation letter
  5.2  Notes and notices
    5.2.1  Notes
    5.2.2  Notices
  5.3  E-mails
    5.3.1  Heading
    5.3.2  Components
  5.4  Resume
  5.5  Personal statements
    5.5.1  Self-introduction
    5.5.2  The body
    5.5.3  Conclusion
  5.6  Summary
  5.7  Useful expressions for practical writing
Unit 6  Research paper writing I--linguistic features
  6.1  Lexical features of a research paper
    6.1.1  Formal words and expressions
    6.1.2  Terminology
    6.1.3  Nominalization
  6.2  Syntactic features of a research paper
    6.2.1  Long complicated sentences

    6.2.2  Passive voice
Unit 7  Research paper writing 2--quoting,paraphrasing and summarizing
  7.1  Quoting
    7.1.1  Types of quotations
    7.1.2  Strategies
  7.2  Paraphrasing
    7.2.1  Types of paraphrase
    7.2.2  Strategies
  7.3  Summarizing
    7.3.1  Strategies
    7.3.2  Samples
Unit 8  Research paper writing 3--abstract writing
  8.1  Components of a research paper
  8.2  Title writing
    8.2.1  General functions
    8.2.2  Writing requirements
  8.3  Keywords
    8.3.1  Functions
    8.3.2  Writing requirements
  8.4  Abstracts
    8.4.1  Types and components of abstracts
    8.4.2  Writing requirements
Unit 9  Research paper writing 4--introduction and methodology
  9.1  Introduction section
    9.1.1  Components
    9.1.2  Writing strategies
    9.1.3  Linguistic features
  9.2  Methodology
    9.2.1  Functions and objectives
    9.2.2  Components
Unit 10  Research paper writing 5--results, discussion and conclusion
  10.1  Results
    10.1.1  Functions and objectives
    10.1.2  Components
  10.2  Discussion
    10.2.1  Functions and objectives
    10.2.2  Components
  10.3  Conclusion
    10.3.1  Functions and objectives
    10.3.2  Components

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