幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:鞠傳靜|責編:曹勝玫
  • 出版社:東南大學
  • ISBN:9787564192198
  • 出版日期:2020/12/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:232
人民幣:RMB 49 元      售價:



Chapter 1 Introduction
1 1 Background
  1.2  Contextual Studies on Safety Management
  1.3  An Institutional Theory Perspective
  1.4  The Hong Kong Context
  1.5  Research Aims, Questions and Objectives
  1.6  Scope of the Study
  1.7  Structure of the Book
Chapter 2 Theoretical Background
  2.1  Introduction
  2.2  The Emergence of the Neo-institutional Theory
  2.3  Core Concepts of the Institutional Theory
    2.3.1  Organisational fields  Definitions of organisational fields  Structuration of organisational fields  Issue-defined organisational fields
    2.3.2  Institutions
    2.3.3  Organisational legitimacy  Definitions of organisational legitimacy  Sources of legitimacy  Antecedents and consequences of legitimacy  Conflicts between legitimacy and efficiency
  2 3.4  Institutional logics  Definitions of institutional logics  Institutional logics perspective and organisational heterogeneity
  2.4  Debate of Structure versus Agency
    2.4.1  Institutional determinism
    2.4.2  Competitive versus institutional influences on organisations
    2.4.3  Institutional change, complexity, and strategic choice  Institutional change  A strategic choice perspective  Institutional complexity and organisational discretion
  2.5  Concluding Remarks
Chapter 3 Towards An Analytical Framework ~f Institutional Complexity and
Organisational Responses
  3.1  Introduction
  3.2  Institutional Complexity
    3.2.1  Definitions of institutional complexity
    3.2.2  Sources of institutional complexity  Central institutions at the society level  Multiple field-level institutional logics  The multiplicity of field constituents  Specificity of institutions  Conflicts between legitimacy and efficiency demands
  3.3  Field Structure
  3.3  1 Maturity of organisational field
    3.3.2  Structure of organisational field
    3.3.2  .I Field fragmentation  Field centralisation  Field formalisation
  3.4  Organisational Filters
    3.4.1  Field position
    3.4.2  Structure
    3.4.3  Ownership, relational dependency and governance
  3.5  Organisational Responses
    3.5.1  Strategic responses
    3.5.2  Structural responses
  3.6  Concluding Remarks
Chapter 4 Research Methods
4. I Introduction
  4.2  The Preference for Qualitative Research Strategy
  4.3  Data Collection
4. 3.1 Documentary and archival data
4. 3.2 Case study
4. 3.3 Semi-structured interviews
  4.4  The Logic of Linking Prior Theory, Data and Research Findings
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4. 5 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 5 A Construction Safety-Defined Organisational Field
  5.1  Introduction
  5.2  Conceptualisation of an Issue-defined Organisational Field
    5.2.1  The construction industry as an organisational field  Interactions
5. 2.1.2 Inter-organisational structures
5. 2.1.3 Information load  Mutual awareness
5. 2.2 Construction safety-defined organisational field
  5.3  Control and Coordination Mechanisms of Construction Safety-defined
Organisational Field
    5.3.1  A historical perspective
    5.3.2  A historical analysis of the control and coordination mechanisms of construction
safety-defined organisational field  Early days:  Embryonic stage:  Golden time:  Transition stage: 1989-now
  5.4  Institutional Sources of Construction Safety
    5.4.1  Regulative environment
    5.4.2  Normative institutional environment
    5.4.3  Cultural-cognitive institutional environment
    5.4.4  The market environment
  5.5  Concluding Remarks
Chapter 6 An Exploratory Case Study
  6.1  Introduction
  6.2  A Practice Perspective
  6.3  Selection of the Case
  6.4  The Case
    6.4.1  Project background

6. 4. 2 Data collection
    6.4.3  Data analysis
6. 5 Findings
6. 5.1 Competing goals of progress and safety
    6.5.2  Mixed safety supervision patterns
    6.5.3  Discrepancies in workers' safety awareness
    6.5.4  Contractors' strategic responses., compromise
    6.5.5  Contractors' strategic responses., avoidance
  6.6  Discussion of Findings
  6.7  Concluding Remarks
Chapter 7 Sources and Patterns of Institutional Complexity
7. 1 Introduction
  7.2  Multiple Institutional Demands of Site Safety
    7.2.1  Legal requirements on site safety  The legislative framework  Enforcement actions
    7.2.2  Clients' safety requirements  Pre-contract stage  Construction stage
    7.2.3  Contractors' internal safety requirements
    7.2.4  Voluntary safety schemes and standards  Field-level safety activities
7. 2.4.2 Safety competition  Publicity of safety information
    7.2.5  Relationships between multiple institutional demands
  7.3  Multiple Safety Management Logics
  7.4  Specificity of Legal Requirements
  7.5  Efficiency, Legitimacy and Site Safety
    7.5.1  Conflict between prcgress and safety requirements
7. 5.2 Safety performance, organisational legitimacy and efficiency  Positive consequences of safety performance  Negative consequences of safety performance
  7.6  Patterns of Institutional Complexity
    7.6.1  Inconsistent regulatory demands
    7.6.2  Regulatory uncertainty and rigidity
7. 6.3 Redundant institutional demands
    7.6.4  Conflict between safety demands and production efficiency
    7.6.5  Disparate values and beliefs about safety and how to achieve safety
  7.7  Concluding Remarks
Chapter 8 Organisational Filters and Strategic Responses
8. 1 Introduction
  8.2  Organisational Filters and General Safety Management Strategies
8. 2.1 Field Positions and Management Strategies  Project client's field position  Construction company's field position
    8.2.2  Project Organisation Structure and Governance
  8.3  Contractors' Strategic Responses
    8.3.1  Contractors' responses to regulatory requirements and enforcement actions
8. 3.2 Contractors' experience of and responses to clients' safety requirements
8. 3.3 Contractors' responses to field-level safety activities  Responses to major safety competition schemes  Responses to other field-level safety events
    8.3.4  Contractors' responses to redundant safety demands
    8.3.5  Contractors' responses to conflicting demands of production and safety
  8.4  Concluding Remarks
Chapter 9 Conclusions
  9.1  Introduction
  9.2  Summary of Main Findings
    9.2.1  Construction safety-defined organisational field
    9.2.2  Sources of institutional complexity  Multiple institutional demands of site safety  Constellation of safety management logics  Conflict between legitimacy and efficiency demands
    9.2.3  Patterns of institutional complexity
    9.2.4  Organisational filters and general management strategies
    9.2.5  Specific strategic responses
  9.3  Theoretical Implications
    9.3.1  Implications for institutional theory
    9.3.2  Implications for construction safety research
  9.4  Practical Implications
  9.5  Limitations and Suggestions for Future Study
Appendix 1 Summary of Empirical Studies Related to Institutional
Appendix 2 Semi-structured Interview Guide
Appendix 3 Field-level Actors Involved in Construction Safety Related
Appendix 4 Tender Evaluation Approaches Used in HKHA and DB
Appendix 5 Summary of Safety Initiatives and Related Measures Used
Appendix 6 Summary of Safety Initiatives and Safety Measures Adopted
by Construction Companies
Appendix 7 Summary of Field-level Safety Events
Appendix 8 The Number of Participants and Award Winners in Three Major
Competition Schemes
Appendix 9 Summary of Competition Themes of Construction
Safety Forum
Appendix 10 Publications

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