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  • 作者:編者:楊芳//張文霞|責編:孫鐵軍//蘇篩琴
  • 出版社:機械工業
  • ISBN:9787111674405
  • 出版日期:2021/04/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:152
人民幣:RMB 59.8 元      售價:


    楊芳     清華大學外國語言文學系副教授     2012年美國貝勒大學訪問學者     清華大學生活英語系列MOOC負責人     楊芳老師的生活英語系列MOOC     ·《生活英語聽說》MOOC     ·《生活英語讀寫》MOOC     ·《生活英語進階》MOOC     ·《通用學術英語(先修課)》MOOC     2016年,《生活英語聽說》慕課入圍edX評出的「2016年全球最受歡迎的十門慕課」,同時成為唯一上榜的大陸高校慕課,楊芳老師榮獲「2016年度慕課教學先鋒」稱號。     2017年,楊芳老師榮獲「教育部在線教育研究中心在線教育先鋒教師獎」,《生活英語讀寫》慕課榮獲首屆大中華區優秀慕課評選「線上運行和推廣」單項獎優秀獎。     2018年,楊芳老師榮獲「清華大學在線教育先進教師」,《生活英語讀寫》慕課獲評「國家精品在線開放課程」。

Unit 1 Cultural Studies
  Starting Up: Cultural Differences
  Listening: Pop Culture in the Arab World and the Chinese Zodiac
  Group Discussion: Intelligence and Intelligence Test
  Text: Intelligence Across Cultures
  Academic Writing: Features of Academic English
  Skills Power Station: How to Make Predictions and Contribute to a Seminar
  Student Research Project: Getting Along Verbally and Non-verbally
  Unit Summary
Unit 2 Life Science
  Starting Up: Healthy Life
  Listening: Brain Development
  Group Discussion: Adolescence and Adulthood
  Text: Can Musical Experiences Enhance Intelligence?
  Academic Writing: How to Avoid Plagiarism
  Skills Power Station: How to Identify the Lecture Structure and Participate in a Seminar
  Student Research Project: Meet the World's
  First Baby Born from the DNA of Three Parents
  Unit Summary
Unit 3 Art
  Starting Up: Photography and Art
  Listening: TV Series Adapted from Fiction
  Group Discussion: Novels and Film Adaptations
  Text: Art and Artists
  Academic Writing: Topic Sentence and Supporting Evidence
  Skills Power Station: How to Listen for Key Words and Chair a Discussion
  Student Research Project: Read It or See It
  Unit Summary
Unit 4 Man and Nature
  Starting Up: Planet Earth
  Listening: Song of the Phoenix
  Group Discussion: World Heritage Sites in China
  Text: Are We Alone in the Universe?
  Academic Writing: How to Achieve Consistency in English Writing
  Skills Power Station: How to Recognize Signpost Language in Lectures
  Student Research Project: Air Pollution
  Unit Summary
Unit 5 Social Issues
  Starting Up: Volunteering in Rural Areas
  Listening: The Unknown Number 「X」
  Group Discussion: The Origin and Evolution of Languages
  Text: Poverty: Theories, Homelessness, and the American Dream
  Academic Writing: How to Analyze Essay Structure
  Skills Power Station: How to Write Introductions and Conclusions
  Student Research Project: Should Animals
  Be Used for Scientific and Commercial Testing?
  Unit Summary
Unit 6 Engineering and Technology
  Starting Up: Internet Security
  Listening: 3D Printing

  Group Discussion: The Development and Application of 3D Printing Technology
  Text: Metal-Free Energy Storage
  Academic Writing: How to Identify SPSE Structure
  Skills Power Station: How to Handle Q & A Sessions
  Student Research Project: Wireless
  Unit Summary
Unit 7 Psychology
  Starting Up: Psychology
  Listening: Children』s Education Issues in the Future
  Group Discussion: The Secret of Entrepreneurs』 Business Successes
  Text: Dreams
  Academic Writing: How to Make a Poster to Present a Paper
  Skills Power Station: How to Create a Poster Presentation (1)
  Student Research Project: Dreams
  Unit Summary
Unit 8 Economics
  Starting Up: Consumption
  Listening: Collaborative Consumption
  Group Discussion: The Internet and Economic Growth
  Text: The Startup World
  Academic Writing: How to Incorporate References and Citations
  Skills Power Station: How to Create a Poster Presentation (2)
  Student Research Project: The Real Estate Market
  and Rising Housing Prices
  Unit Summary

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