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  • 作者:(美)O.卡魯斯·麥基希|責編:聶兆慈//李蘭靜
  • 出版社:哈爾濱工業大學
  • ISBN:9787560393155
  • 出版日期:2021/03/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:529
人民幣:RMB 48 元      售價:



Symbols and Terms
1.1 Preview
  A It Takes Two Harmonic Functions
  B Heat Flow
  C A Geometric Rule
  D Electrostatics
  E Fluid Flow
  F One Model Many Applications
1.2 Sets, Functions, and Visualization
  A Terminology and Notation for Sets
  B Terminology and Notation for Functions
  C Functions from R to R
  D Functions from R2 to R
  E Functions from R2 to R2
1.3 Structures on R2, and Linear Maps from R2 to R2
  A The Real Line and the Plane
  B Polar Coordinates in the Plane
  C When Is a Mapping M : R2 → R2 Linear?
  D Visualizing Nonsingular Linear Mappings
  E The Determinant of a Two-by-Two Matrix
  F Pure Magnifications, Rotations, and
  G Conformal Linear Mappings
1.4 Open Sets, Open Mappings, Connected Sets
  A Distance, Interior, Boundary, Openness
  B Continuity in Terms of Open Sets
  C Open Mappings
  D Connected Sets
1.5 A Review of Some Calculus
  A Integration Theory for Real- Valued Functions
  B Improper Integrals, Principal Values
  C Partial Derivatives
  D Divergence and Curl
1.6 Harmonic Functions
  A The Geometry of Laplace's Equation
  B The Geometry of the Cauchy-Riemann
  C The Mean Value Property
  D Changing Variables in a Dirichtet or Neumann
2 Basic Tools
2.1 The Complex Plane

  A The Definition of a Field
  B Complex Multiplication
  C Powers and Roots
  D Conjugation
  E Quotients of Complex Numbers
  F When Is a Mapping L : C → C Linear?
  G Complex Equations for Lines and Circles
  H The Reciprocal Map, and Reflection in the
  Unit Circle
  I Reflections in Lines and Circles
2.2 Visualizing Powers, Exponential, Logarithm, and Sine
  A Powers ofz
  B Exponential and Logarithms
  C Sin z
  D The Cosine and Sine, and the Hyperbolic
  Cosine and Sine
2.3 Differentiability
  A Differentiability at a Point
  B Differentiability in the Complex Sense:
  C Finding Derivatives
  D Picturing the Local Behavior of Holomorphic
2.4 Sequences, Compactness, Convergence
  A Sequences of Complex Numbers
  B The Limit Superior of a Sequence of Reals
  C Implications of Compactness
  D Sequences of Functions
2.5 Integrals Over Curves, Paths, and Contours
  A Integrals of Complex-Valued Functions
  B Curves
  C Paths
  D Pathwise Connected Sets
  E Independence of Path and Morera's Theorem
  F Goursat's Lemma
  G The Winding Number
  H Green's Theorem
  I Irrotational and Incompressible Fluid Flow
  J Contours
2.6 Power Series
  A Infinite Series
  B The Geometric Series
  C An Improved Root Test
  D Power Series and the Cauchy-Hadamard

  E Uniqueness of the Power Series Representation
  F Integrals That Give Rise to Power Series
3 The Cauchy Theory
3.1 Fundamental Properties of Holomorphic Functions
  A Integral and Series Representations
  B Eight Ways to Say "'Holomorphic"
  C Determinism
  D Liouville's Theorem
  E The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra
  F Subuniform Convergence Preserves
3.2 Cauchy's Theorem
  A Cerny's 1976 Proof
  B Simply Connected Sets
  C Subuniform Boundedness, Subuniform
3.3 lsolated Singularities
  A The Laurent Series Representation on an Annulus
  B Behavior Near an Isolated Singularity in the Plane
  C Examples: Classifying Singularities, Finding Residues
  D Behavior Near a Singularity at Infinity
  E A Digression: Picard'sGreat Theorem
3.4 The Residue Theorem and the Argument Principle
  A Meromorphic Functions and the Extended
  B The Residue Theorem
  C Multiplicity and Valence
  D Valence.for a Rational Function
  E The Argument Principle: Integrals That Count
3.5 Mapping Properties
3.6 The Riemann Sphere
4 The Residue Calculus
4.1 Integrals of Trigonometric Functions Over a Compact lnterval
4.2 Estimating Complex Integrals
4.3 Integrals of Rational Functions Over the Line
4.4 Integrals Involving the Exponential
  A Integrals Giving Fourier Transforms
4.5 Integrals Involving a Logarithm
4.6 Integration on a Riemann Surface

  A Mellin Transforms
4. 7 The Complex Inversion Formula for the Laplace Transform
5 Boundary Value Problems
5.1 Examples
  A Easy Problems
  B The Conformal Mapping Method
5.2 The Mobius Maps
5.3 Electric Fields
  A A Point Charge in 3-Space
  B Uniform Charge on One or More Long Wires
  C Examples with Bounded Potentials
5.4 Steady Flow of a Perfect Fluid
5.5 Using the Poisson Integral to Obtain Solutions
  A The Poisson Integral on a Disk
  B Solutions on the Disk by the Poisson Integral
  C Geometry of the Poisson Integral
  D Harmonic Functions and the Mean Value Property
  E The Neumann Problem on a Disk
  F The Poisson Integral on a Half-Plane, and on Other Domains
5.6 When Is the Solution Unique?
5.7 The Schwarz Reflection Principle
5.8 Schwarz-Christoffel Formulas
  A Triangles
  B Rectangles and Other Polygons
  C Generalized Polygons
6 Lagniappe
6.1 Dixon's 1971ProofofCauchy's Theorem
6.2 Runge's Theorem
6.3 The Riemann Mapping Theorem
6.4 The Osgood-Taylor-Carath~odory Theorem

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