幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:嚴誠忠//戚元方|責編:蔡丹丹|總主編:戴煒棟
  • 出版社:上海外教
  • ISBN:9787544661737
  • 出版日期:2020/07/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:178
人民幣:RMB 43 元      售價:



Unit 1 Public Speaking
  Section A The Core Text: Public Speaking Strategies
  Section B Sample Interview. English Speaking Contest in China
  Section C Passages for Reading and Group Discussion n c
  1. Barriers to Effective Communication
  2. Strategies for Effective Communication
  3. The Function of Body Language
  Section n samnle Sneech and Oral Practice
  Part A Sample Speech:Ways to Improve Your Spoken English
  Part B Critical Thinking and Discussion
  Part C Oral Presentation
Unit 2 Education in Development
  Section A The Core Text: Advice for College New Grads
  Section B Sample Interview: Europe Vs America in Higher Education
  Section C Passages for Reading and Group Discussion
  1. New Policies on College Life
  2 Fnlich ctill Has Its Priority
  3.Reform Actions on Education Equality
  Section D Sample Speech and Oral Practice
  Part A Sample Speech: Cultivate Students'Creativity
  Part B Critical Thinking and Discussion
  Part C Oral Presentation
Unit 3 The Two Centenary Goals
  Section A The Core Text. Forge Ahead to Realize the Two Centenary Goals
  Section B Sarnple Interview: On Governance of China
  Section C Passages for Reading and Group Discussion
  1. Harrnonious Socety - China's Dream
  2."Inclusive Growth" -- New Economic Buzzword
  3. New Concepts for Further Development
  Section D Sample Speech and Oral Practice
  Part A Sample Speech: Chinese Dream Resonates Worldwide
  Part B Critical Thinking and Discussion
  Part C Oral Presentation
Unit 4 Social Responsibility
  Section A The Core Text: What to Be Done for Social Responsibility
  Section B Sample Interview: How to Make the Tax System Better and Simpler
  Section C Passages for Reading and Group Discussion
  1. Governance Reflects Public Will
  2. Make City Life More Than Bright Lights
  Section D Sample Speech and Oral Practice
  Part A Sample Speech:Social Ethics and Responsibility
  Part B Critical Thinking and Discussion
  Part C Oral Presentationu w
Unit 5 Ongoing Urbanization
  Section A The Core Text: Bike Share Program
  Section B Sample Interview. Mumbai Needs to Learn from Shanghai in Urbanization
  Section C Passages for Reading and Group Discussion
  1. A Successful Model May Not Work for All Things
  2 EosA security and Urbanization
  3. Challenges in Urban-Rural Integration

  Section D Sample Speech and Oral Practica
  Part A Sample Speech: Bridge the Urban-Rural Divide
  Part B Critical Thinking and Discussion
  Part C Oral Presentation
Unit 6 Belt and Road
  Section A The Core Text: The Belt and Road Initative
  Section B Sample Interview: The Belt and Road - Win-win Development
  Section C Passages for Reading and Group Discussion
  1. Features of One Belt and One Road Initiative
  2. Embracing a Brighter Future Together
  3. The Belt and Road Connects Asia and Europe
  Section D Sample Speech and Oral Practice
  Part A Sample Speech: China in Action
  Part B Critical Thinking and Discussion
  Part C Oral Presentation
Unit 7 Environmental Protection
  Section A The Core Text: Low-Carbon Economy
  Section B Sample Interview: The Price of Being Green
  Section C Passages for Reading and Group Discussion
  1.Low-Carbon Lifestyle
  2. Convergence of Development and Conservation Priorities
  3. Environmental Protection in China
  Section D Sample Speech and Oral Practice
  Part A Sample Speech: China Needs Recycling Economy
  Part B Critical Thinking and Discussion
  Part C Oral Presentation
Unit 8 The Changing World
  Section A The Core Text: The Law Is Adapting to a Software-driven World
  Section B Sample Interview:Wealth and Income Inequality
  Section C Passages for Reading and Group Discussion
  1. Caution: Income Gap in China
  2. Governance and Science Report
  3.A Two-Edged Sword: the Development of Science and Technology
  Section D Sample Speech and Oral Practice
  Part A Sample Speech: Social Fairness Calls for Better Governance
  Part B Critical Thinking and Discussion
  Part C Oral Presentation
Unit 9 Mass Media
  Section A The Core Text:To Be Media Wise
  Section B Sample Interview: Success in Internet Marketing
  Section C Passages for Reading and Group Discussion
  1. More Open to Use Net for Public Input
  2. Chinese Media Supervision
  3. Media Selection for Advertisements
  Section D Sample Speech and Oral Practice
  Part A Sample Speech: Journalists' Code of Ethics
  Part B Critical Thinking and Discussion
  Part C Oral Presentation
Unit 10 Health Care
  Section A The Core Text: Health Care in China

  Section B Sample Interview:Health Care Reform in the U
  Section C Passages for Reading and Group Discussion
  1.A Blueprint for Health Care Reform in China
  2. Health Care System in Japan
  3. Health Care in Singapore
  Section D Sample Speech and Oral Practice
  Part A Sample Speech: Should Citizens Take Out Private Health Insurance
  Part B Critical Thinking and Discussion
  Part C Oral Presentation
Unit 11 Globalization
  Section A The Core Text: Economic Globalization
  Section B Sample Interview: UN Still Matters in World Affairs
  Section C Passages for Reading and Group Discussion
  1.Does Globalization Cause Poverty
  2. Steps to Deal with Global Financial Crisis
  3. Four Aspects of Globalization
  Section D Sample Speech and Oral Practice
  Part A Sample Speech:Globalization in China and the World Economy
  Part B Critical Thinking and Discussion
  Part C Oral Presentation
Unit 12 Real Estate
  Section A The Core Text:Perspectives on Property
  Section B Sample Interview: Japan's Intellectual Property Rights System
  Section C Passages for Reading and Group Discussion
  1.Property Buyers Like Moths to a Flame
  2. Mortgages Saddle Three Generations in China
  3.House Prices Will See Slow but Continuous Decline
  Section D Sample Speech and Oral Practice
  Part A Sample Speech: A Man's Home Is Like a Castle in the Air
  Part B Critical Thinking and Discussion
  Part C Oral Presentation
Unit 13 Culture
  Section A The Core Text: The Importance of Intercultural Communication
  Section B Sample Interview: Overseas Life Experience
  Section C Passages for Reading and Group Discussion
  1.Cultural ldentity
  2.When in China, Do as Chinese Do
  3. Strategies for Cross-cultural Communication
  Section D Sample Speech and Oral Practice
  Part A Sample Speech: Why Young People Enjoy Foreign Festivals
  Part B Critical Thinking and Discussion
  Part C Oral Presentation
Unit 14 Modern Technology
  Section A The Core Text: Does Technology Make Us Smarter
  Section B Sample Interview: Internal Communications
  Section C Passages for Reading and Group Discussion
  1.Add Overseas Flare to City's Creative Cocktail
  2. Science and Technology Is a Two-Edged Sword
  3.The Power of the Computer
  Section D Sample Speech and Oral Practice

  Part A Sample Speech: Information Superhighways
  Part B Critical Thinking and Discussion
  Part C Oral Presentation
Unit 15 International Business
  Section A The Core Text: Principles of World Trade
  Section B Sample Interview: Enterprise Culture and Business Success
  Section C Passages for Reading and Group Discussion
  1. China Opinion Divided on Purchase of US Treasuries
  2.The Success of New Products
  3.Business Ethics
  Section D Sample Speech and Oral Practice
  Part A Sample Speech: Basic Strategies for Marketing
  Part B Critical Thinking and Discussion
  Part C Oral Presentation
Unit 16 World Future
  Section A The Core Text:What Will Future Life Be Like
  Section B Sample Interview: United Future World Currency
  Section C Passages for Reading and Group Discussion
  1. Computers in Development
  2. Will Computers Replace Teachers in the Future
  3. Guidelines for the 13th Five-Year Program
  Section D Sample Speech and Oral Practice
  Part A Sample Speech: On-campus and Online Learning
  Part B Critical Thinking and Discussion
  Part C Oral Presentation

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