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  • 作者:編者:張清|責編:張朝姐//董穎
  • 出版社:南京大學
  • ISBN:9787305171598
  • 出版日期:2016/07/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:247
人民幣:RMB 42 元      售價:



Unit Ten  Letter Writing
  10.1  General Introduction
    10.1.1  The format ofaletter
    10.1.2  The elementary parts of a letter
    10.1.3  The optional parts of a business Letter
    10.1.4  The layout of envelope
  10.2  Personal Letters
    10.2.1  A letter of invitation
    10.2.2  A letter of thanks
    10.2.3  A letter of consolation
    10.2.4  A letter of congratulation
    10.2.5  A letter of complaint
    10.2.6  A letter of apology
  10.3  Business Letters
    10.3.1  Different types of business letters
    10.3.2  Rules for effective business letters
Unit Eleven  College Application Writing
  11.1  Requesting for Admission Form
    11.1.1  General introduction
    11.1.2  Structure of a requesting letter for admission form
    11.1.3  Points to note
  11.2  Graduation Certification and Notarization
    11.2.1  Graduation certification
    11.2.2  Graduation notarization
  11.3  Personal Statement
    11.3.1  General introduction
    11.3.2  Significance of personal statements
    11.3.3  Structure of a personal statement
    11.3.4  Points to note
  11.4  Letter of Recommendation
    11.4.1  General introduction
    11.4.2  Importance of recommendation letters
    11.4.3  Structure of recommendation letters
    11.4.4  Points to note
Unit Twelve  Employment Application Writing
  12.1  General Introduction
    12.1.1  Introduction
    12.1.2  Preparation
  12.2  Cover Letter Writing
    12.2.1   Cover letter structure
    12.2.2  The introductory paragraph statement
    12.2.3  The body paragraph (s), highlighting your qualifications
    12.2.4  The concluding part
  12.3  Resume Writing
    12.3.1  General introduction
    12.3.2  Resume structure
    12.3.3  Resume templates and samples
  12.4  Supplementary Information

    12.4.1  Tips for application writing
    12.4.2  Resume checklist
    12.4.3  Vocabulary about personality traits
Unit Thirteen  Summary and Reports
  13.1  Summary
    13.1.1  General introduction
    13.1.2  Writing procedures
    13.1.3  Principles in summary writing
  13.2  Reports
    13.2.1  General introduction
    13.2.2  Book reports
    13.2.3  Feasibility reports
    13.2.4  Progress reports
    13.2.5  The incident reports
Unit Fourteen  CET Writing
  14.1  General Introduction
  14.2  Scoring Standards
    14.2.1  Principles for scoring
    14.2.2  Standards of scoring
    14.2.3  Case analysis on the scoring standards
  14.3  CET Writing Skills
    14.3.1  My view...
    14.3.2  How to...
    14.3.3  AandorB
    14.3.4  Why...
    14.3.5  Advantages or Disadvantages
    14.3.6  Narrative composition
    14.3.7  GraphChart composition
    14.3.8  Practical composition
Unit Fifteen  Writing for TEM 4 and 8
  15.1  General Introduction
  15.2  General Scoring Standards
    15.2.1  New types of writings of TEM 4 and TEM 8
    15.2.2  TEM 4 and TEM 8 writing scoring standards of new types
  15.3  TEMs Deduction of Scores
    15.4  TEMs Scoring Analysis
    15.4.1  Cases' analysis of TEM 4 scoring standards
    15.4.2  Cases' analysis of TEM 8 scoring standards
  15.5  TEMs Analysis:Irrelevance and Relevance
    15.5.1  Material clues in TEM writing relevance
    15.5.2  TEMs theme irrelevance
    15.5.3  TEMs relevance analysis
Unit Sixteen  NETEM Writing
  16.1  General Introduction
  16.2  Scoring Standards
    16.2.1  Official scoring standards

    16.2.2  A case analysis of the official scoring standards
  16.3  Writing Skills for Section A
  16.4  Writing Skills for Section B
    16.4.1  Format of the essay
    16.4.2  Concrete analysis of the format
    16.4.3  Useful sentence patterns for essay writing
Unit Seventeen  TOEFL Writing
  17.1  An Introduction to the Writing Section of TOEFL IBT
    17.1.1  The integrated writing task
    17.1.2  Independent writing task
  17.2  Scoring Standards
    17.2.1  Official standards
    17.2.2  Rater's comments
  17.3  Writing Skills
    17.3.1  Integrated writing
    17.3.2  Independent writing
Unit Eighteen  Academic Writing Test in IELTS
  18.1  General Introduction
  18.2  Scoring Standards
    18.2.1  Official scoring standards
    18.2.2  Case study of official standards
  18.3  Writing Skills
    18.3.1  Principles for Task 1
    18.3.2  Principles for Task 2

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