Preface Notation Ⅰ. THE NORMAL FERMI LIQUID §1. Elementary exitations in a quantum Fermi liquid §2. Interaction of quasi-particles §3. Magnetic susceptibility of a Fermi liquid §4. Zero sound §5. Spin waves in a Fermi liquid §6. A degenerate almost ideal Fermi gas with repulsion between the particles Ⅱ. GREEN'S FUNCTIONS IN A FERMI SYSTEM AT T=0 §7. Green's functions in a macroscopic system §8. Determ ination of the enregy spectrum from the Green's function §9. Green's function of an ideal Fermi gas §10. Particle momentum distribution in a Fermi liquid §11. Calculation of ther modynamic quantities from the Green's function §12. Ψ operators in the interaction representation §13. The diagram technique for Fermi systems §14. The self-energy function §15. The two-particle Green's function §16. The relation of the vertex function of the quasi-particle scattering amplitude §17. The vertex function for small momentum transfers §18. The relation of t he vertex function to the quasi-particle interaction function §19. Identities for derivatives of the Green's function §20. Derivation of the relation between the limiting momentum and the density §21. Green's function of an almost ideal Fermi gas Ⅲ. SUPERFLUIDITY §22. Elementary excitations in a quantum Bose liquid §23. Superfluidity §24. Phonons in a liquid §25. A degenerate almost ideal Bose gas §26. The wave function of the condensate §27. Temperature dependence cf the condensate density §28. Behaviour of the superfluid density near the a-point §29. Quantized vortex filaments §30. A vortex filament in an almost ideal Bose gas §31. Green's functions in a Bose liquid §32. The diagram technique for a Bose liquid §33. Self-energy functions §34. Disintegration of quasi-particles §35. Properties of the spectrum near its termination point Ⅳ. GREEN'S FUNCTIONS AT NON-ZERO TEMPERATURES §36. Green's functions at non-zero temperatures §37. Temperature Green's functions §38. The diagram technique for temperature Green's functions Ⅴ. SUPERCONDUCTIVITY §39. A superfuid Fermi gas. The energy spectrum §40. A superfluid Fermi gas. Thermodynamic properties §41. Green's functions in a superfluid Fermi gas §42. Temperature Green's functions in a superfluid Fermi gas §43. Superconductivity in metals
§44. The superconductivity current §45. The Ginzburg-Landau equations §46. Surface tension at the boundary of superconducting and normal phases §47. The two types of superconductor §48. The structure of the mixed state §49. Diamagnetic susceptibility above the transition point §50. The Josephson effect §51. Relation between current and magnetic feld in a superconductor §52. Depth of penetration of a magnetic field into a superconductor §53. Superconducting alloys §54. The Cooper effect for non-zero orbital angular momenta of the pair Ⅵ. ELECTRONS IN THE CRYSTAL LATTICE §55. An electron in a periocid field §56. Effect of an external field on electron motion in a lattice §57. Quasi-classical trajectories §58. Quasi-classical energy levels §59. The electron effective mass tensor in the lattice §60. Symmetry of electron states in a lattice in a magnetic feld §61. Electronic spectra of normal metals §62. Green's function of electrons in a metal §63. The de Haas-van Alphen effect §64. Electron-phonon interaction §65. Efect of the electron-phonon interaction on the electron spectrum in a metal §66. The electron spectrum of solid insulators §67. Electrons and holes in semiconductors §68. The electron spectrum near the degeneracy point Ⅶ. MAGNETISM §69. Equation of motion of the magnetic moment in a ferromagnet §70. Magnons in a ferromagnet. The spectrum §71. Magnons in a ferromagnet. Thermodynamic quantities §72. The spin Hamiltonian §73. Interaction of magnons §74. Magnons in an antiferromagnet Ⅷ. ELECTROMAGNETIC FLUCTUATIONS §75. Green's function of a photon in a medium §76. Electromagnetic feld fluctuations §77. Electromagnetic fluctuations in an infinite medium §78. Current fuctuations in linear circuits §79. Temperature Green's function of a photon in a medium §80. The van der Waals stress tensor §81. Forces of molecular interaction between solid bodies. The general formula §82. Forces of molecular interaction betveen solid bodies. Limiting cases §83. Asymptotic behaviour of the correlation function in a liquid §84. Operator expression for the permittivity §85. A degenerate plasma Ⅸ. HYDRODYNAMIC FLUCTUATIONS §86. Dynamic form factor of a liquid §87. Summation rules for the form factor5 §88. Hydrodynamic fuctuations §89. Hydrodynamic fluctuations in an infinite medium
§90. Operator expressions for the transport coefficients §91. Dynamic form factor of a Fermi liquid Index