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  • 作者:編者:郭錦霞//陳建生|責編:高小平|總主編:張喜華
  • 出版社:重慶大學
  • ISBN:9787568922920
  • 出版日期:2020/12/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:186
人民幣:RMB 42 元      售價:



Unit 1  Chinese Musicians
  Part I  Watching, Listening and Speaking
    Section A  Video Watching
    Section B  Listening
    Section C  Speaking
  Part II  Reading
    TextA  LangLang
    Text B  The Waves of the Yellow River
  Part III  Developing Skills
    Writing Skills: Sentence patterns
  Part IV  Enjoying
Unit 2  World-Renowned Musicians
  Part I  Watching, Listening and Speaking
    Section A  Video Watching
    Section B  Listening
    Section C  Speaking
  Part II  Reading
    TextA Adele
    Text B  Experiencing Leonard Bernstein
  Part III  Developing Skills
    Translation Skills: Selection and Extension of Word Meaning
  Part IV  Enjoying
Unit 3  Musicals
  Part I  Watching, Listening and Speaking
    Section A  Video Watching
    Section B  Listening
    Section C  Speaking
  Part II  Reading
    Text A  The Development of Musical Industry in China
    Text B  Andrew Lloyd Webber and Broadway Musicals
  Part III  Developing Skills
    Writing Skills: Sentence Connectors
  Part IV  Enjoying
Unit 4  Musical Works and Performances
  Part I  Watching, Listening and Speaking
    Section A  Video Watching
    Section B  Listening
    Section C  Speaking
  Part II  Reading
    Text A  Set on a Glorious Classical Music Journey
    Text B  Channel Your Energy and Conquer the Stage
  Part III  Developing Skills
    Translation Skills: Conversion of Part of Speech of Words
  Part IV  Enjoying
Unit 5  Leather Goods
  Part I  Watching, Listening and Speaking
    Section A  Video Watching
    Section B  Listening
    Section C  Speaking
  Part II  Reading

    Text A  Hermes: How Leather Goods Are Made
    Text B  Interesting Utilitarian Uses for Leather
  Part III  Developing Skills
    Writing Skills: Complex Sentences
  Part IV  Enjoying
Unit 6  Green Design
  Part I  Watching, Listening and Speaking
    Section A Video Watching
    Section B  Listening
    Section C  Speaking
  Part II  Reading
    Text A  China's Green Building Future
    Text B  Green Design Takes Root
  Part III  Developing Skills
    Translation Skills: Amplification
  Part IV  Enjoying
Unit 7  Industrial Design
  Part I  Watching, Listening and Speaking
    Section A  Video Watching
    Section B  Listening
    Section C  Speaking
  Part II  Reading
    Text A  The Importance of Passionate Stories to Product Design
    Text B  Industrial Design
  Part III  Developing Skills
    Writing Skills: Paragraph Development
  Part IV  Enjoying
Unit 8  The Olympics
  Part I  Watching, Listening and Speaking
    Section A  Video Watching
    Section B  Listening
    Section C  Speaking
  Part II  Reading
    Text A. Carl Lewis
    Text B  Modern Olympic Games: a Genuine Continuation
  Part Ill  Developing Skills
    Translation Skills: Omission
  Part IV  Enjoying

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