幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:田莉|責編:程序
  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787521320725
  • 出版日期:2021/03/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:360
人民幣:RMB 89.9 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Introduction
  1.1  Importance of Interlanguage Variation
  1.2  Rationale for the Study
  1.3  Interlanguage as a Complex Dynamic System
  1.4  Objective and Significance of the Current Research
  1.5  Organization of the Dissertation
Chapter 2  Literature Review
  2.1  Research on Interlanguage Variation
    2.1.1  Typology of Interlanguage Variation
    2.1.2  Theoretical Research on Interlanguage Variation
    2.1.3  Empirical Research on Interlanguage Variation
    2.1.4  Research on Chinese EFL Learners' Interlanguage Variation
  2.2  Research on Influencing Factors of Interlanguage Variation
    2.2.1  Traditional Research on Relationships Between Individual Differences and L2 Learning
    2.2.2  The Exploration of Influencing Factors from the DST Perspective
  2.3  Summary
Chapter 3  Research Methodology
  3.1  Research Questions
  3.2  Participants
  3.3  Research Design
  3.4  Data Collection Methods
    3.4.1  Compositions
    3.4.2  Sociohnguistic Interviews
    3.4.3  Emails
    3.4.4  Language Experience Interviews
    3.4.5  Stimulated Recalls
    3.4.6  Other Resources
  3.5  Data Analysis Methods
    3.5.1  The Transcription of Oral Data
    3.5.2  The Coding of Variation in L2 Development
    3.5.3  The Coding of the Influencing Factors
  3.6  The Role of the Researcher
  3.7  Ethical Considerations
Chapter 4  Individual Case Descriptions
  4.1  Wu: A Beginner Breaking Through from Nontarget-like Variants
    4.1.1  A Profile of Wu
    4.1.2  Development in Wu's Use of Sentence Patterns
    4.1.3  Development and Features in Wu's Lexicon
    4.1.4  Factors Facilitating Wu's L2 Development
    4.1.5  Summary
  4.2  Wang: A Lower-Intermediate Learner Struggling in Erratic Language
    4.2.1  A Profile of Wang
    4.2.2  Development and Features in Wang's Syntax
    4.2.3  Features in Wang's Lexicon: Erratic Use
    4.2.4  Factors Facilitating or Constraining Wang's Interlanguage Development
    4.2.5  Summary
  4.3  Zhao: An Upper-Intermediate Learner Whose Language Fossilized
    4.3.1  A Profile of Zhao
    4.3.2  Change and Features in Zhao's Use of Sentence Patterns
    4.3.3  Features in Zhao's Lexicon

    4.3.4  Factors Constraining Zhao's Language Learning
    4.3.5  Summary
  4.4  Lin: An Advanced Learner Who Practiced to Be Perfect
    4.4.1  A Profile of Lin
    4.4.2  Development and Features in Lin's Use of Sentence Patterns
    4.4.3  Features in Lin's Lexicon
    4.4.4  Factors Facilitating Lin,s Language Development
    4.4.5  Summary
Chapter 5  Cross-case Analysis and Discussion
  5.1  Route of Interlanguage Development
    5.1.1  A Tentative Proposal on the Developmental Sequence of Linguistic Items: A Continuum
    5.1.2  Developmental Order in the Subsystems of Interlanguage
  5.2  Variation in Interlanguage Development
    5.2.1  Variation in the Developmental Rate of Linguistic Items
    5.2.2  Inter-personal Variation in Intedanguage Development
  5.3  Influencing Factors of Individual Variation in L2 Development
    5.3.1  Initial Conditions
    5.3.2  Higher Order Combination of Learner Factors
    5.3.3  Interaction Between the Learner Factors and Environmental Factors
  5.4  Summary
Chapter 6  Conclusion
  6.1  Summary of the Major Findings
  6.2  Pedagogical Implications
  6.3  Contributions of the Present Study
  6.4  Limitations and Suggestions for Further Research
Appendix I  Sample Essays of the Four Participants
Appendix II  Sample Emails of the Four Participants
Appendix III  Sample Transcription of the Interviews Between the Native Speakers and the Participants
Appendix IV  Topics and Rubrics for the Compositions
Appendix V  Schedule of Interviews with Native Speakers
Appendix VI  Schedule of Interviews with the Researcher
Appendix VII  List of EmaUs to Native Speakers
Appendix VIII  Schedule of Stimulated Recalls

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