疫情背景下的「電腦原理與應用」新工科建設探討 電路原理課程網路直播教學的實踐和反思 The practice and reflection of live online teaching of circuit principle course 基於模擬技術的電子線路實驗教學探索 Exploration of electroniccircuit experiment teaching based on simulation technology 電路電工技術線上實驗課程教學實踐 Practice of 0n—line Experiment of Ci rcuits&Electrician 虛實結合智能型實驗或引發電工電子實驗「顛覆性」變革 Combining vi rtual reality with intelligent experiments may lead to「disruptive」changes in electrical and electronic experiments 新冠疫情下局內交換模擬實驗設計 The simulation experiment design of local exchange under coVlD一1 9 模擬電子實驗課程網路實踐教學技術探索 Exploration of network practice teaching technology for Analog Electronic Experiment Course 通信原理課程改革與實踐 Teaching Reform and Practice on『Principles of Communications』 人工智慧在嵌入式系統課程中融合的教學探索 Exploration of the Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Embedded System Teaching 電類基礎課程教學改革的探討 Discussion on the teaching reform of electrical basic course 基於OBE和項目驅動的「微機原理與接El技術」課程改革 OBE and Project—driven Curriculum Reform of Microcomputer Principles and Interface Techniques 通信網傳輸技術課程建設和ICT人才培養創新實踐 Course Construction of Communication Network Transmission Technology and Innovative Practice of ICT Talent Training 基於微課設計的「電磁場與電磁波」課堂教學 新工科理念下「電路原理」課程教學方法探討 Teaching Methods Exploration on Electrical Ci rcuit Principle Course under the Concept of Emer-ging Engineering Education 「通信原理」教學研究與思考 Communication Principle Teaching Research and Thinking 應用型本科電子專業引導就業創業類課程的建設 Construction of Curriculum Guiding Employment and Entrepreneurship fOr Application-oriented Undergraduate about Electronics Major eNodeX軟體無線電平台在通信原理教學中的應用 培養解決「複雜工程問題」能力的探索與思考 ……