幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:陳英//晉桂清|責編:王瀛//江黎涵|總主編:楊勁松//張橋英
  • 出版社:復旦大學
  • ISBN:9787309148640
  • 出版日期:2020/03/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:231
人民幣:RMB 58 元      售價:



Unit 1 Nutrition and Health
I.Info.storm What is nutrition
II.Watching.in This is US
III.Pre—reading Defining nutrition
IV.Critical Reading Further reading about nutrition and health
V.Speaking Out Read and say
VI.Pros/Cons Ten"healthy"eating habits famous people swear by
that are actually terrible for you
VII.Outcome Sentence analysis and essay writing
Unit 2 GM Food
I.Info—storm A GM food web page
II.Watching-in GM products of Monsanto
III.Pre-reading Defining"genetically-modified"
IV.Critical Reading What do you know about GMOs
V.Speaking Out My knowledge about GM foods
VI.Pros/Cons GM foods:Yes or No
VII.Outcome Sentence analysis and essay writing
Unit 3 Healthcare System
I.Info.storm What is healthcare system
II.Watching.in Healthcare system
III.Pre-reading Defining healthcare system
IV.Critical Reading Further reading about healthcare system
V.Speaking out Review your perception about health insurance
VI.Pros/Cons Celebrities in healthcare system
VII.Outcome Sentence analysis and essay writing
Unit 4 Psychology and Lifle
I.Info—storm The National Institute Of Mental Health
II.Watching.in Beautiful mind
III.Pre—reading Defining psychology
IV.Critical Reading An overview of humanistic psychology
V.Speaking Out How to make stress your friend
VI.Pros/Cons Ten ways psychology can help you live a better life
VII.Outcome Sentence analysis and essay writing
Unit 5 Precision Viedicine
I.Info.storm Web news on precision medicine
II.Watching.in Grey'S anatomy—We are never ever getting back
III.Pre—reading Defining precision medicine
IV.Critical Reading Precision medicine and personalized medicine
V.Speaking Out Conventional medicine VS.Precision medicine
VI.Pros/Cons Connection to precision medicine
VII.Outcome Sentence analysis and essay writing
Unit 6 Drug Safety
I.Info.storm Medication without harm
II.Watching—in Broke girls'drug test
III.Pre-reading Drug mechanism
IV.Critical Reading Medication concerns
V.Speaking Out Knowledge about medicine
VI.Pros/Cons Ten drug safety tips for patients
VII.Outcome Sentence analysis and essay writing

Unit 7 Post-transplant Care
I.Info-storm Recovery after transplant surgery
II.Watching—in A horizon guide to transplants
III.Pre—reading Defining post—transplant care
IV.Critical Reading Issues after transplantation
V.Speaking Out Knowledge about post—transplant care
VI.Pros/Cons Mental health after transplant
VII.Outcome Sentence analysis and essay writing
Unit 8 Bioethics
I.Info-storm Web page of bioethics
II.Watching-in Philosophy thinking
III.Pre-reading Bioethics
IV.Critical Reading Euthanasia
V.Speaking Out Discussion of bioethics
VI.Pros/Cons Smartphone heart monitor beats doctors at diagnosing
atrial fihrjllatjon
VII.Outcome Sentence analysis and essay writing

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