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  • 作者:(美)羅森博格|責編:劉慧//高蓉
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • ISBN:9787510005145
  • 出版日期:2010/02/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:392
人民幣:RMB 79 元      售價:



Chapter 1.Ko of Rings
  1.Defining K0
  2.Ko from idempotents
  3.Ko of PIDs and local rings
  4.Ko of Dedekind domains
  5.Relative Ko and excision
  6.An application: Swan's Theorem and topological K-theory
  7.Another application: Euler characteristics and the Wall finiteness obstruction
Chapter 2.K1 of Rings
  1.Defining K1
  2.K1 of division rings and local rings
  3.K1 of PIDs and Dedekind domains
  4.Whitehead groups and Whitehead torsion
  5.Relative K1 and the exact sequence
Chapter 3.Ko and K1 of Categories, Negative K-Theory
  1.Ko and K1 of categories, Go and G1 of rings
  2.The Grothendieck and Bass-Heller-Swan Theorems
  3.Negative K-theory
Chapter 4.Milnor's K2
  1.Universal central extensions and H2
    Universal central extensions
    Homology of groups
  2.The Steinberg group
  3.Milnor's K2
  4.Applications of K2
    Computing certain relative K1 groups
    K2 of fields and number theory
    Almost commuting operators
Chapter 5.The +-Construction and Quillen K-Theory
  1.An introduction to classifying spaces
  2.Quillen's +-construction and its basic properties
  3.A survey of higher K-theory
    K-theory of fields and of rings of integers
    The Q-construction and results proved with it
Chapter 6.Cyclic homology and its relation to K-Theory
  1.Basics of cyclic homology
    Hochschild homology
    Cyclic homology
    Connections with "non-commutative de Rhom theory"
  2.The Chern character
    The classical Chern character
    The Chern character on Ko
    The Chern character on higher K-theory
  3.Some applications
    Non-vanishing of class groups and Whitehead groups
    Idempotents in C*-algebras

    Group rings and assembly maps
  Books and Monographs on Related Areas of Algebra,Analysis, Number Theory, and Topology
  Books and Monographs on Algebraic K-Theory
  Specialized References
Notational Index
Subject Index

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