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  • 作者:編者:朱派龍|責編:賈娜
  • 出版社:化學工業
  • ISBN:9787122289438
  • 出版日期:2020/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:488
人民幣:RMB 138 元      售價:



Part 1  Mechanical Design機械設計
  Unit 1  Engineering Materials工程材料
    1.1  Material properties and tests材料性能與測試
    1.2  Metals金屬材料
    1.3  Non-metals非金屬材料
    1.4  Composite materials and nano materials複合材料和納米材料
  Unit 2  Drawing and Tolerance製圖與公差
    2.1  Engineering drawing工程製圖
      2.1.1  Types of  line and notation線型和標注
      2.1.2  CAD presentation電腦輔助設計繪圖
      2.1.3  On engineering drawing presentation機械製圖
    2.2  Tolerance and fits公差與配合
  Unit 3  Technological Appropriateness for Machine Parts and Assemblies機械零部件結構工藝性
    3.1  Technological appropriateness for castings,forgings, weldings and heat treatment鑄造、鍛壓、焊接和熱處理結構工藝性
    3.2  Technological appropriateness for stampings,metal cutting衝壓、切削加工結構工藝性
    3.3  Technological appropriateness for plastic parts and powder metallurgy parts塑件、粉末冶金件的結構工藝性
    3.4  Technological appropriateness for machine assembly機器裝配的結構工藝性
  Unit 4  Design of Mechanisms機構設計
    4.1  Design of linkage mechanisms連桿機構設計
    4.2  Design of spatial linkage mechanisms空間機構設計
    4.3  Design of cam mechanisms凸輪機構設計
    4.4  Design of common variated mechanisms常用變異機構設計
  Unit 5  Transmission Design 傳動設計
    5.1  Design of gear transmission齒輪傳動設計
    5.2  Design of belt and chain drive帶和鏈傳動設計
      5.2.1  Belt drive帶傳動
      5.2.2  Chain drive鏈傳動
    5.3  Design of hydraulic power transmission液壓傳動設計
  Unit 6  Mo(u)ld and Die Structure Design模具結構設計
    6.1  Mo(u)ld and die for metal forming衝壓模具
    6.2  Die and mo(u)ld for plastics塑料模具
    6.3  Mo(u)ld for die cast壓鑄模具
    6.4  Other mo(u)lds其他模具
      6.4.1  Powder metallurgy mo(u)ld粉末冶金模具
      6.4.2  Sand mo(u)ld翻砂模具
      6.4.3  Forging mo(u)ld鍛壓模具
Part 2  Mechanical Manufacture機械製造
  Unit 7  Methods of Mechanical Manufacturing機械製造技術
    7.1  Manual operations手工操作
    7.2  Heat process for metals金屬的熱加工工藝
      7.2.1  Casting鑄造
      7.2.2  Forging鍛壓
      7.2.3  Welding焊接
      7.2.4  Heat treatment熱處理
    7.3  Cutting principle切削原理
    7.4  Traditional mechanical machining methods傳統機械加工技術
      7.4.1  Turning on lathe車削加工
      7.4.2  Milling銑削加工
      7.4.5  Reciprocating machining process往複式加工
      7.4.6  Abrasives process磨削加工
      7.4.7  Coated abrasive belt grinding砂帶磨削加工
      7.4.8  Super finishing超精加工
      7.4.9  Gear cutting齒輪加工
    7.5  Non-traditional processes非傳統加工(特種加工)工藝方法
      7.5.1  EDM電火花加工
      7.5.2  ECM電化學加工
      7.5.3  USM超聲加工
      7.5.4  CHM化學加工
      7.5.5  EBM電子束加工
      7.5.6  IBM離子加工
      7.5.7  LBM激光束加工
      7.5.8  RP快速成形
      7.5.9  AJM/WJM/AWJM磨料射流/水射流/磨料水射流加工
      7.5.10  MAM磁性磨料加工
      7.5.11  MEMS微電子製造
  Unit 8  Manufacturing Processes and Toolings機械製造裝備
    8.1  Cutting tools切削刀具
      8.1.1  Turning tools車刀
      8.1.2  Milling tools銑刀
      8.1.3  Boring tools鏜刀
      8.1.4  Hole-making tools孔加工刀具
      8.1.5  Reciprocating process tools往複運動加工刀具
      8.1.6  Abrasives磨具
      8.1.7  Gear cutting tools齒輪刀具
    8.2  Jigs and fixtures, toolings工裝夾具
      8.2.1  General purpose jigs and fixtures通用夾具
      8.2.2  Special purpose jigs and fixtures專用夾具
    8.3  Various types of machine tools各種機械加工機床
      8.3.1  Lathes車床
      8.3.2  Milling machines銑床
      8.3.3  Boring machines鏜床
      8.3.4  Drilling machines鑽床
      8.3.5  Reciprocating machines往複式加工機床
      8.3.6  Grinding machines磨床
      8.3.7  Gear cutting machines齒輪加工機床
      8.3.8  Automatic screw machines自動螺紋加工機床
    8.4  Non-traditional machine tools非傳統(特種)加工機床
    8.5  CAD/CAM/CAPP/FMS/CIMS與電腦相關的先進系統
  Unit 9  NC Machining and NC Machine Tools數控加工與數控機床
    9.1  Basic knowledge on numerical control數控基本知識
    9.2  NC machining tools數控加工機床
    9.3  NC functional components and appendixes數控機床功能部件及附件
    9.4  NC programming數控加工編程
Part 3  Machine Elements機械零部件
  Unit 10  Joints and Fasteners連接件與緊固件
    10.1  Screws and threads螺紋
    10.2  Washers and retaining rings墊片和保持環
    10.3  Keys鍵

    10.4  Pins銷
    10.5  Splines花鍵
    10.6  Rivets鉚釘
    10.7  Bonding and other fasteners粘接和其他緊固件
  Unit 11  Shafts軸
    11.1  Shafts直軸
    11.2  Other shafts其他類型的軸
  Unit 12  Bearings軸承
    12.1  Plain bearings滑動軸承
    12.2  Rolling bearings滾動軸承
  Unit 13  Springs and Flywheels彈簧和飛輪
    13.1  Helical springs螺旋彈簧
    13.2  Other springs其他彈簧
    13.3  Flywheels飛輪
  Unit 14  Lubrication Systems and Sealings潤滑系統與密封件
    14.1  Lubrication systems潤滑系統
    14.2  Sealings密封件
  Unit 15  Beds,Frames and Guideways床身、支架及導軌
    15.1  Beds and frames床身和支架
    15.2  Guideways導軌
  Unit 16  Couplings,Clutches and Brakes聯軸器、離合器和制動器
    16.1  Couplings聯軸器
    16.2  Clutches離合器
    16.3  Brakes制動器
  Unit 17 Reductors and Speed Changers減速器與變速器
    17.1  Reductors減速器
    17.2  Speed changers變速器
Part 4  Mechanical Equipment for Special Industry專業機械
  Unit 18  Power Generation Equipments動力設備
    18.1  Power generation equipments多種發電設備
    18.2  Boilers鍋爐
    18.3  Steam turbines蒸汽輪機
    18.4  Gas turbines燃氣輪機
    18.5  Hydraulic turbines水輪機
    18.6  Compressors, fans and blowers壓縮機、通風機和鼓風機
  Unit 19  Materials Handling Equipments運輸機械
    19.1  Elevators電梯
      19.1.1  The types of elevator電梯分類
      19.1.2  The lift machine電梯主機
      19.1.3  The car frame and counterweight轎架和對重
      19.1.4  The safety device安全裝置
      19.1.5  The hoistway井道件
    19.2  Hoisting machinery起重機械
    19.3  Materials handling systems物料搬運系統
    19.4  Industrial handling trucks工業搬運車輛
  Unit 20  Automobile Constructs汽車結構
    20.1  Engine發動機
    20.2  Body車身
    20.3  Chassis底盤
    20.4  Functional components功能部件

    20.5  Special vehicles特種車輛
    20.6  Electric vehicles電動車
  Unit 21  Construction Machinery建築機械
    21.1  Excavators挖掘機
    21.2  Earthmoving machinery鏟土運輸機
    21.3  Compacting machinery壓實機械
    21.4  Pavement machinery鋪路機械
    21.5  Pile-driving machinery樁工機械
    21.6  Concrete reinforcing machinery鋼筋混凝土機械
  Unit 22  Petroleum Drilling Machinery and Refining Equipments石油鑽采與煉製機械
    22.1  Petroleum drilling rigs石油鑽機
    22.2  Downhole drilling tools井下鑽具
    22.3  Petroleum extraction equipments採油設備
    22.4  Offshore petroleum drilling and extraction equipments海洋石油鑽采設備
    22.5  Petroleum refining equipments石油煉製設備
  Unit 23  Food and Packaging Machinery食品與包裝機械
    23.1  Grading and sorting machinery分級分選機械
    23.2  Cleaning machines and devices清洗機械與設備
    23.3  Drying equipments乾燥設備
    23.4  Crushing and cutting machinery粉碎切割機械
    23.5  Hot and cold exchange processing machinery冷熱交換處理機械
    23.6  Sterilization machinery殺菌機械
    23.7  Refrigeration machinery and equipments冷凍機械與設備
    23.8  Forming machines成形機械
    23.9  Material conveying machinery物料輸送機械
Vocabulary with Figure Index辭彙及圖形索引(英中對照)
Vocabulary with Figure Index辭彙及圖形索引(中英對照)
  附錄1  One-hand alphabet單手勢字母表
  附錄2  Deaf-and-dump alphabet手語字母表
  附錄3  Mathematical signs and symbols數學標識和符號

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