幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:甘藏春//梁超|責編:楊璐|譯者:劉卉//徐超
  • 出版社:外文
  • ISBN:9787119118154
  • 出版日期:2020/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:329
人民幣:RMB 98 元      售價:



Introduction The Three Basic Ways of State Governance
Chapter I Why Did Modern Rule of Law Not
  Emerge in China First
  Section I China Already Had the Social Gene for Modern Rule
  of Law in the Late Ming and Early Qing Period
  Section Ⅱ The Powerful Feudal Autocracy and the Perfected
  Governance System Killed Modern Rule of Law at Birth
  Section III Natural Economy and the Policy of 「Emphasizing Agriculture
  Restraining Com merce"Suppressed the Growth of Capitalism
Chapter II How Did Rule of Law Begin in China
  Section I The Historic Context of Western Legal Culture's
  Introduction to China
  Section Ⅱ Different Traditions of Legal Culture in
  China and the West
  Section Ⅲ Rule of Law E m braced Socialism in China
Chapter III Why Did China Choose Rule of Law
  Section I Debate over Rule of Law and
  Rule of Man After 1949
  Section Ⅱ Basic Motivations Behind the Party's
  Choice of Rule of Law
  Section III Major Arrangements for the Path to Socialist
  Rule of Law with Chinese Characteristics
  Section Ⅳ Key Factors Determining Success or
  Failure of Rule of Law in China
  Section V Criteria for Measuring the Success of
  Building Rule of Law
Chapter IV How Does China's Path to Rule of Law Differ
  from the West's
  Section I What Is the Relationship Between Leadership
  by the Party and Rule of Law
  Section II The CPC's View on Fairness and Justice
  Section III The CPC's View on Power
  Section Ⅳ How Concepts of Human Rights Differ Between
  China and the West
Afterword  China's Path of Rule of Law in the Period
  of Social Transformation

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