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  • 作者:編者:仉文崗|責編:王婷//賈興文
  • 出版社:重慶大學
  • ISBN:9787568920186
  • 出版日期:2020/04/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:348
人民幣:RMB 59 元      售價:

    Deep Braced Excavations and Earth Retaining Systems collects the selected publications on deep braced excavation from the Editor. Apart from that, it also contains the basic design theories and principles in analysis of basal heave stability, toe stability, strut forces, retaining wall and ground deformations, auxiliary measures and instrumentation, observation methods and back analysis, etc. Aimed at both theoretical explication and practical application, this book covers a large scope. From basic to advanced, it tries to attain theoretical rigorousness and consistency. Each chapter is followed by problems and solutions so that the book can be readily taught at senior undergraduate and graduate including PhD students. Professors, research students, design engineers as well as staff work for consultation in the field of civil engineering, especially geoteehnical engineering can benefit from the book.

    仉文崗,Prof Wengang Zhang is full professor of Geotechnical Engineering in School ofCivil Engineering, Chongqing University. He graduated from NanyangTechnological University, Singapore in 2014 and was the recipient of theOverseas High-level Talent (Young Thousand Talented Professor) in 2017.He now serves the school as the Associate Chair, in charge ofinternationalization. His research areas mainly include numerical modelling indeep braced excavation, reliability analysis, and soft computing and big datageotechnical analysis. Prof. Zhang has published 46 papers in internationaljournals as the main author and one book about big data with Springer. He wasalso the recipient of Computers and Geotechnics 2019 Sloan OutstandingPaper Award. The paper he published in GSF titled  "Multivariate adaptiveregression splines and neural network models for prediction of pile drivability"is also among the top three papers with the highest citations.

1  Overview
2  Overall Stability
    2.1  Introduction
    2.2  Types of Factors of Safety
    2.3  Basal Heave Stability
    2.4  Push-in Stability
    2.5  Overall Shear Failure of Cantilever Walls
3  Earth Pressure and Strut Force
    3.1  Introduction
    3.2  Lateral Earth Pressure in Braced Excavations
    3.3  Parametric Study
    3.4  One-Strut Failure Analysis
4  Retaining Wall and Bending Moment
    4.1  Introduction
    4.2  Wall Types
    4.3  Stress Analysis Method
    4.4  Design of Retaining Walls
5  Ground Movements
    5.1  Introduction
    5.2  Sources of Ground Movements
    5.3  Ground Movement Predictions Adjacent to Excavations
    5.4  Damage to Buildings
6  Finite Element Method
    6.1  Introduction
    6.2  Basic Principles
    6.3  Determination of Initial Stresses
    6.4  Modeling of an Excavation Process
    6.5  Mesh Generation
    6.6  Excavation Analysis Method
    6.7  Example: Excavation in Sand
7  Soll Constitutive Models
    7.1  Introduction
    7.2  Linear Elastic Perfectly Plastic Model (Mohr-Coulomb Model)
    7.3  Hardening Soil Model (Isotropic Hardening)
    7.4  Hardening Soil Model with Small-strain Stiffness (HS-small)
    7.5  The Soft Soil Model
    7.6  Modified Cam-Clay Model
8  Dewatering of Excavations
    8.1  Introduction
    8.2  Dewatering Methods
    8.3  Well Theory
    8.4  Pumping Test
    8.5  Dewatering Plan for an Excavation
    8.6  Dewatering and Ground Settlement
9  Soil Improvement by Grouting
    9.1  Introduction
    9.2  Grouting Equipment
    9.3  Grouting Methods
    9.4  Ground Improvement Design
10 Adjacent Building Protection

    10.1  Introduction
    10.2  Building Protection by Utilizing the Characteristics of Excavation-induced Deformation
    10.3  Building Protection by Utilizing Auxiliary Methods
    10.4  Building Rectification Methods
11  Instrumentation and Monitoring
    11.1  Introduction
    11.2  Element of a Monitoring System
    11.3  Measurement of Movement
    11.4  Measurement of Stress and Force
    11.5  Measurement of Water Pressure and Groundwater Level
    11.6  Plan of Monitoring Systems
    11.7  Application of Monitoring Systems
12  Back Analysis for Excavation
    12.1  Introduction
    12.2  General Procedure of Back Analysis in Excavation Issues
    12.3  Deterministic Method
    12.4  Probabilistic Methods
13  Excavation Failure Case Analysis
    13.1  Introduction
    13.2  Nicoll Highway Collapse, Singapore, 2004
    13.3  Xianghu Metro Station Collapse, Hangzhou, China, 2008
    13.4  Guangzhou Haizhu City Square Foundation Pit Collapse
    13.5  Shanghai Metro Line 4 Seepage
    13.6  Other Cases
    Appendix I   Symbols and Abbreviations
    Appendix II   Database of Propped and Anchored Deep Excavation

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