幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:郎櫻|責編:王星//侯景芳|總主編:梁艷君|譯者:鄭丹//馬慧芳
  • 出版社:遼寧師大
  • ISBN:9787565228636
  • 出版日期:2019/06/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:559
人民幣:RMB 190 元      售價:



Preface by Lang Ying
Preface by Mark Bender
Translator』s Foreword
Profile of the Author
Introduction toA Study ofthe KirgizEpicManas by Lang Ying
Part One The Oral Tradition as a Living Form
  Chapter One Introduction
    Ⅰ.The Features ofthe Heroic Epics inNorthern China
    Ⅱ.The Transmission ofManas and Its Main Characteristics
  Chapter Two Manas and the Life of the Kirgiz Ethnic Group
    Ⅰ. The Historical Background of the Epic M anas
    Ⅱ.The Social Life of the Kirgiz After the W estward Migration in M anas
    Ⅲ.Traditional Customs Reflected in Manas
    Ⅳ.Manas—The Soul of the Kirgiz Ethnic Group
  Chapter Three The Formative Age of Manas
    Ⅰ.The N otion of 「the Formative Age of an Epic
    Ⅱ.Several Views on the Formative Age of Manas
    Ⅲ .The Analysis of the Formative Age of Manas
    Ⅳ."Kitay"and"Beijing"in Manas
  Chapter Four Variations of Manas
    Ⅰ.The Incremental Development of Manas
    Ⅱ.「school of Tianshan」and『『School of Pamir
    Ⅲ.Variations ofManas
    Ⅳ.Acmparison cIftheVersions。fJtistip Mamay and Eshmat Manbetistip
  Chapter Five Manaschis: The Inheritors and Transmitters of Manas
    Ⅰ.Manaschis and the Dissemination of Manas
    Ⅱ.Manaschis,Participation in the Creation of Manas
    Ⅲ.Famous Chinese Manaschis
Chapter Six Audiences_The Life of Manas
    Ⅰ.Audiences as the Main Agent in the Dissemination of Oral Epis
    Ⅱ.The Audienc Active R   n the Diseinatin,Develp ent and Variations of Manas
    Ⅲ..Cultural and Psychological Qualities of the Audience of Manas
    Ⅳ.The Reception, Effect and Influence of Manas
Part Two Text and Literary Qualities
  Chapter Seven The Characters of Manas
    Ⅰ.The Hero Manas
    Ⅱ.Semetey:The Son of Manas
    Ⅲ.Seytek, Kenenim and Seyit: The Grandchildren of Manas
    Ⅳ.The Khagans and Warriors of Manas
    Ⅴ.The Images of Women in Manas
  Chapter Eight The Aesthetic Features of Manas
    Ⅰ.The Tragic Beauty of Manas
    Ⅱ.The Sublime Beauty of Manas
  Chapter Nine The Narrative Structure of M anas
    Ⅰ.Narrative Time and Narrative Mode
    Ⅱ.Narrative Perspectives
    Ⅲ.Narrative Structure and Patterns
    Ⅳ.Narrative Language
    Ⅴ.Narrative Strategies

  Chapter Ten Manas and the Kirgiz Folk Literature
    Ⅰ.Manas and the Kirgiz Myths
    Ⅱ.Manas and the Heroic Legend Alip Manash
    Ⅲ.Manasand the Kirgiz Folk Narative Poemns
    Ⅳ.Manas and the Kirgiz Folk Songs
Part Three The Comparisons and Concluding Reflections
  Chapter Eleven Manas and Turkic Epics
    Ⅰ.Manas and Ancient Turkic Heroic Inscription Literature
    Ⅱ.Common Themes of Manas and the Turkic Heroic Epics
    Ⅲ.TheCommom Motifts of Manas and the Turkic Heroic Epics
    Ⅳ.Sinilaries and Dieences Between Manas and the Tukic Epics
  Chapter Twelve Manas and Eastern and Western Epics
    Ⅰ.Manas Compared to Jangar and Gesar
    Ⅱ.Manas and the Greek Epics
  Chapter Thirteen Manas and Religious Culture
    Ⅰ.Manas and Shamanic Culture
    Ⅱ.The Influence of Islam on M anas
  Appendix 1 Foreign and Chinese Versions of Manas
  Appendix 2 Literature Review of the Studies of Manas
  Appendix 3 Other Famous Manaschis in China
  Translators' Afterword 1
  Translators' Afterword 2
  Series Acknowledgements

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