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  • 作者:編者:姜亞軍//楊紅燕|責編:趙春梅
  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787521320923
  • 出版日期:2020/10/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:199
人民幣:RMB 45.9 元      售價:



Unit 1 Writing in English as Chinese speakers
  1.1  How does good writing vary between cultures?
  1.2  How does writing in English and Chinese differ?
  1.3  Howto write better in English?
Unit 2 The English essay: An overview
  2.1  What is an essay?
  2.2  How is an essay evaluated?
  2.3  How is an essay structured?
  2.4  How are Chinese essays different?
  2.5  How do English paragraphs differ?
  2.6  What is a five-paragraph essay?
  2.7  How to scratch an essay outline?
  2.8  Formal and informal English
Unit 3 English essay: The thesis statement
  3.1  What does a thesis statement do?
  3.2  What does a thesis statement contain?
  3.3  How to draft a working thesis statement?
  3.4  What makes a strong thesis statement?
  3.5  Where does a thesis statement go?
  3.6  How is Chinese zhongxin sixiang (中心思想) different?
  3.7  Effective sentences: Word choice
Unit 4 Beginning your essay: The introduction
  4.1  What does an introduction do?
  4.2  What does an introduction contain?
  4.3  What patterns does an introduction follow?
  4.4  How are Chinese introductions different?
  4.5  Effective sentences: Sentence length
Unit 5 Beginning your essay: The lead-in and the transition
  5.1  What does a lead-in do?
  5.2  Howto craft a strong lead-in?
  5.3  What does a transition do?
  5.4  Howto craft a transition?
  5.5  Effective sentences: Structural type
Unit 6 Developing your essay: The body paragraph development
  6.1  What does a body paragraph do?
  6.2  What does a body paragraph contain?
  6.3  How to craft a strong topic sentence?
  6.4  What makes a strong body paragraph?
  6.5  How long is a body paragraph?
  6.6  Effective sentences: Sentence variety
Unit 7 Developing your essay: Body paragraph patterns
  7.1  How to develop a paragraph by example?
  7.2  How to develop a paragraph by process analysis?
  7.3  How to develop a paragraph by comparison and contrast?
  7.4  How to develop a paragraph by classi6cation and division?
  7.5  How to develop a paragraph by causal analysis?
  7.6  How to create coherence between paragraphs?
  7.7  Effective sentences: Coordination and subordination
Unit 8 Ending your essay: The conclusion
  8.1  What does a conclusion do?

  8.2  What does a conclusion contain?
  8.3  How are conclusions and introductions related?
  8.4  What pattern does a conclusion follow?
  8.5  How to craft a strong conclusion?
  8.6  What conclusions to avoid?
  8.7  Effective sentences: Rhetorical type
Unit 9 English essay: Putting it all together
  9.1  How to write a five-paragraph essay?
  9.2  Writing fewer or more paragraphs
  9.3  How to include counterarguments?
  9.4  Howto craft a formal outline?
  9.5  How to write a timed essay?

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