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  • 作者:編者:吳德沛//包海燕//喬渝森|責編:賈艾莎
  • 出版社:人民衛生
  • ISBN:9787117295222
  • 出版日期:2020/10/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:435
人民幣:RMB 66 元      售價:



第一部分  英漢對照
  medical history病史
  physical examination體格檢查
  symptom ofanemia貧血癥狀
  symptom ofleukopenia白細胞減少癥狀
  symptom of thrombocytopenia血小板減少癥狀
  symptom oflymphoma淋巴瘤癥狀
  symptom ofleukocytosis白細胞增多癥狀
  erythrocyte disorder紅細胞疾病
  myeloid disease髓系疾病
  1ymphatic system disorder淋巴系統疾病
  plasma cell disorder漿細胞疾病
  hemostasis and thrombosis止血與血栓
  other disorder其他疾病
  disease status疾病狀態
  complication and comorbidity併發症和合併症
  auxiliary examination輔助檢查
  morphology and biopsy形態學和活檢
  flow cytometry流式細胞術
  karyotype analysis核型分析
  molecular testing分子學檢測
  test for red cell disease紅細胞疾病檢查
  test for coagulation凝血檢查
  test forplasma cell disorder漿細胞疾病檢查
  chemotherapeutic drug and targeted drug化學治療
  antineoplastic drug抗腫瘤葯
  monoclonal antibody單克隆抗體
  immune checkpoint inhibitor免疫檢查點抑製劑
  B-cell receptor signaling pathway inhibitor B細胞受體
  proteosome inhibitor蛋白?體抑製劑
  tyrosine kinase inhibitor  酪氨酸激?抑製劑
  DNA methyltransferase inhibitor DNA甲基轉移?抑製劑
  histone deacety』lase inhibitor組蛋白去乙??抑製劑
  humanized nanobody that binds to vWF人源化
  Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 inhibitor Fms樣酪氨酸
  Janus kinase inhibitor Janus激?抑製劑
  anaplastic lymphoma kinase inhibitor間變性淋巴瘤
  immunosuppressive agent免疫抑製劑
  immunomodulatory drug免疫調節葯

  other drug used in Department of Hematology
  hematinic therapy補血治療
  iron chelating agent鐵螯合劑
  antithrombotic drug抗栓葯
  hematopoietic stem cell transplantation  造血幹細胞移植
  therapeutic method and therapeutic effect治療方法與治療作用
  cellular immunotherapy細胞免疫治療
  therapeutic effect治療作用
第二部分  漢英對照
  病史medical history
  體格檢查physical examination
  貧血癥狀symptom ofanemia
  白細胞減少癥狀symptom of leukopenia
  血小板減少癥狀  symptom 0f thrombocytopenia
  淋巴瘤癥狀symptom oflymphoma
  白細胞增多癥狀symptom ofleukocytosis
  紅細胞疾病erythrocyte disorder
  髓系疾病myeloid disease
  淋巴系統疾病lymphatic system disorder
  漿細胞疾病plasma cell disorder
  止血與血栓hemostasis and thrombosis
  其他疾病other disorder
  疾病狀態disease status
  併發症和合併症complication and comorbidity
  輔助檢查auxiliary examination
  形態學和活檢morphology and biopsy
  流式細胞術flow cytometry
  核型分析karyotype analysis
  分子學檢測molecular testing
  紅細胞疾病檢查test for red cell disease
  凝血檢查test for coagulation
  漿細胞疾病檢查test for plasma cell disorder
  化學治療藥物和靶向葯chemotherapeutic drug and
  targeted drug
  抗腫瘤葯antineoplastic drug
  單克隆抗體monoclonal antibodv

  免疫檢查點抑製劑immune checkpoint inhibitor
  B細胞受體信號通路抑製劑B.cell receptor signaling
  pathway inhibitor
  蛋白?體抑製劑proteosome inhibitor
  酪氨酸激?抑製劑tyrosine kinase inhibitor
  DNA甲基轉移?抑製劑DNA methyRransferase inhibitor
  組蛋白去乙??抑製劑histone deacetylase inhibitor
  人源化抗vWF納米抗體humanized naⅡobodv that
  binds to vWF
  Fms樣酪氨酸激?3抑製劑Fms.1ike tyrosine kinase
  Janus激?抑製劑Janus kinase inhibitor
  間變性淋巴瘤激?抑製劑anaplastic lymphoma kinase
  免疫抑製劑immunosuppressive agent
  免疫調節葯immunomodulatory drug
  血液科其他用藥other drug used in Department of
  補血治療hematinic therapy
  鐵螯合劑iron chelating agent
  抗栓葯antithrombotic drug
  造血幹細胞移植hematopoietic stem cell
  治療方法與治療作用therapeutic method and
  therapeutic effect
  細胞免疫治療cellular immunotherapy
  其他治療other therapy
  治療作用therapeutic effect

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