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  • 作者:編者:謝小苑|責編:倪雅莉//劉艷
  • 出版社:清華大學
  • ISBN:9787302551799
  • 出版日期:2020/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:379
人民幣:RMB 75 元      售價:



Unit One  Historical Development of Science and Technology
  Part A  Lecture 了解科技英語的語言特點
  Part B  Reading Technological Evolution of Humankind
  Part C  Extended Reading Invention of Wheel
Unit Two  Ancient Civilizations
  Part A  Lecture提高科技英語閱讀理解能力
  Part B  Reading Ancient Technology
  Part C  Extended Reading Development of Civilization
Unit Three  History of Science in Early Cultures
  Part A  Lecture掌握科技英語文獻的閱讀方法
  Part B  Reading Science in the Greek World
  Part C  Extended Reading Plato and Aristotle
Unit Four  History of Science and Technology in Ancient China
  Part A  Lecture確定中心思想
  Part B  Reading Science and Technology of the Tang Dynasty
  Part C  Extended Reading Science in Ancient China
Unit Five  Science and Technology in the Middle Ages and Renaissance
  Part A  Lecture 辨認事實與細節
  Part B  Reading Medieval Science and Technology
  Part C  Extended Reading Johannes Gutenberg and His Invention of Movable Type Printing
Unit Six  Impact of Science in Europe
  Part A Lecture 識別邏輯銜接詞
  Part B Reading New Ideas During the Scientific Revolution
  Part C Extended Reading Science in the Age of Enlightenment
Unit Seven  Industrial Revolution
  Part A  Lecture 識別段落類型
  Part B  Reading The Steam Engine-A New Source of Power
  Part C  Extended Reading Machine Tools
Unit Eight  Modern Science and Technology (Ⅰ)
  Part A  Lecture 了解銜接與連貫手段的使用
  Part B  Reading Science and Technology in the Electrical Age
  Part C  Extended Reading Development of Natural Sciences
Unit Nine  Modern Science and Technology (Ⅱ)
  Part A  Lecture 猜測詞義
  Part B  Reading Chips and the Internet
  Part C  Extended Reading In 1900,They Never Imagined
Unit Ten  Modern Development in China
  Part A  Lecture 推理
  Part B  Reading Modern Development in China
  Part C  Extended Reading Yuan Longping-Father of Hybrid Rice
Unit Eleven  Scientific Discoveries and Inventions
  Part A Lecture 結論
  Part B Reading Technology's Ubiquitous Reach
  Part C Extended Reading The Telephone and Its Inventor
Unit Twelve  Great Men and Women
  Part A  Lecture 判定作者的觀點、態度和語氣
  Part B  Reading Three Great Physicists
  Part C  Extended Reading Madame Curie and Radium

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