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  • 作者:編者:徐俊儀//陸道夫|責編:潘江曼//康蕊|總主編:陸道夫//張曉紅
  • 出版社:暨南大學
  • ISBN:9787566829191
  • 出版日期:2020/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:251
人民幣:RMB 68 元      售價:



Author's Note(編者前言)
Part I Writing Strategies
Chapter 1 Building Varied Sentences
  1.1  Classification of Sentences
  1.2  Strategies for Building Varied Sentences
  1.3  Guidelines for Building Varied Sentences
  1.4  Exercises
Chapter 2 Paraphrasing
  2.1  Definition of Paraphrasing
  2.2  Reading and Exploring
  2.3  Strategies for Paraphrasing
  2.4  Case Analysis
  2.5  Guidelines for Paraphrasing
  2.6  Steps for Paraphrasing
  2.7  Exercises
Chapter 3 Summarizing
  3.1  Definition of Summarizing
  3.2  Reading and Exploring
  3.3  Strategies for Summarizing
  3.4  Case Analysis
  3.5  Guidelines for Summarizing
  3.6  Steps for Summarizing
  3.7  Exercises
Chapter 4 Academic Writing Style The Use of "We" or "I"
  4.2  Not to Use Contractions
  4.3  The Use of Negative Expressions
  4.4  The Use of Vague Expressions
  4.5  "You"Atitude or "I" Attitude
  4.6  The Use of Direct or Indirect Question
  4.7  Adverb Placement
  4.8  Avoid Wordiness
  4.9  Factual or Opinionated
  4.10  The Transaction and Unity
  4.11  Exercises
Part Ⅱ Writing for Research Papers
Chapter 5 Book Review
  5.1  Organizing Your Thoughts
  5.2  Nine Steps of Preparing a Book Review
  5.3  Creating a First Draft of the Book Review
  5.4  Polishing the Review
  5.5  Guidelines for Writing a Book Review
  5.6  Useful Expressions
  5.7  Samples of a Book Review
  5.8  Exercises
Chapter6 Literature Review (LR)
  6.1  Major Components of LR
  6.2  Guidelines for Writing LR
  6.3  Guidelines for Selecting Source Materials

  6.4  Procedures of Writing LR
  6.5  Case Analysis
  6.6  Exercises
Chapter 7 Abstracts
  7.1  Major Components of an Abstract
  7.2  Guidelines for Abstract Writing
  7.3  Procedures of Writing an Abstract
  7.4  Useful Expressions
  7.5  Case Analysis
  7.6  Exercises
Chapter8 Research Proposal(RP)
  8.1  Major Components of RF
  8.2  Case Analysis
  8.3  Guidelines for Writing RP
  8.4  Writing a Grant Proposal (GP)
  8.5  A Sample GP and Its Supporting Letter
  8.6  Exercises
Part Ⅲ Writing for International Academic Exchange
Chapter 9 Application Letters
  9.1  Major Components of an Application Letter
  9.2  Guidelines for Writing Application Letters
  9.3  Case Analysis
  9.4  Useful Expressions
  9.5  Exercises
Chapter 10 Letter of Recommendation
  10.1  Contents and Structures of a Letter
  10.2  Case Analysis
  10.3  Guidelines for Writing Letters of Recommendation
  10.4  Useful Expressions
  10.5  Exercises
Chapter 11 Resume (Curriculum Vitae)
  11.1  Major Components of a Resume/CV
  11.2  Three Types of Resume Formats
  11.3  Case Analysis3
  11.4  Guidelines for Writing a Resume
  11.5  Useful Expressions
  11.6  Exercises
Chapter 12 Personal Statement
  12.1  Organization of a Personal Statement
  12.2  Major Cormponents of a Personal Statement
  12.3  Case Analysis
  12.4  Guidelines for Writing a Personal Statement
  12.5  Useful Expressions
  12.6  Exercises
Chapter 13 Call for Papers
  13.1  Major Components of "Call for Papers'
  13.2  Types of "Cll for Papers"
  13.3  Hosting an International Conference
  13.4  Making a Keynote Speech at International Conference
  13.5  Six Steps of Making an Efective Speech

  13.6  Exercises
Part IV Writing for EFL.Tests
Chapter 14 Writing for IELTS
  14.1  Overview of the Writing Tasks
  14.2  Strategies for Describing Visual Information
  14.3  Strategies for Writing a Persuasive Essay
  14.4  Gudidelines for Writing Tasks of IELTS
  14.5  Useful Expressions
  14.6  Exercises
Chapter 15 Writing for TOEFL
  15.1  Tasks in Writing Section
  15.2  Procedures of Completing Independent Writing Tasks
  15.3  Guidelines for Writing Tasks of TOEFL
  15.4  Case Analysis
  15.5  Useful Expressions
  15.6  Exercises
Chapter 16 GRE Analytical Writing
  16.1  Strategies for the Analytical Writing
  16.2  The lssue Task
  16.3  The Argument Task
  16.4  Exercises

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