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  • 作者:編者:周成剛//汪珺|責編:趙敏亞//邵亞楠
  • 出版社:北京語言大學
  • ISBN:9787561957462
  • 出版日期:2020/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:216
人民幣:RMB 42 元      售價:

    本書完整覆蓋TKT CLIL模塊考試重點,以《劍橋英語教學能力證書CLIL模塊指導手冊》為依托,側重對考生備考的指導性作用。書中共包含2大部分:CLIL模塊核心知識點講解和CLIL模塊全真模擬題。


Part 1 Understanding TKT CLIL Module 1
  Chapter 1 Knowledge and Principles of CLIL
    Section 1 The aims of CLIL and rationale for CLIL knowledge
    Section 2 Language across the whole curriculum
    Section 3 Communication skills across the whole curriculum
    Section 4 Thinking skills (cognition) across the whole curriculum
    Section 5 Learning skills across the whole curriculum
  Chapter 2 Preparing CLIL lessons
    Section 1 Planning for one or more lessons
    Section 2 Language demands of subject content and accompanying tasks
    Section 3 Additional resources—paper-based materials, multi-media and visual aids
    Section 4 Selecting and adapting materials
    Section 5 Different types of activities
  Chapter 3 Delivering CLIL lessons
    Section 1 Language in the classroom
    Section 2 Scaffolding learning through teaching strategies
    Section 3 Helping learners develop learning strategies
    Section 4 Helping learners consolidate learning and using differentiation with multi-level groups
  Chapter 4 The purposes and types of assessment
Part 2 TKT CLIL Module Practice Tests
  TKT CLIL Module Practice Test 1
  TKT CLIL Module Practice Test 2
  TKT CLIL Module Practice Test 3
  Answer Key to TKT CLIL Module Practice Test 1
  Answer Key to TKT CLIL Module Practice Test 2
  Answer Key to TKT CLIL Module Practice Test 3
Cambridge English Teaching Qualifications

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