幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:劉燕波|責編:徐丹|總主編:郭衛民
  • 出版社:大連理工大學
  • ISBN:9787568523684
  • 出版日期:2019/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:194
人民幣:RMB 36 元      售價:



Unit 1 College Life
  Reading Strategy:Understanding Examples
  Reading A What Will College Life Be Like
  Reading B My Best Day&Worst Day
Unit 2 Attitude Is Everything
  Reading Strategy:Understanding Pronouns
  Reading A Attitude Is Everything
  Reading B It』S All About Attitude:8 Ways to Stay Positive
Unit 3 Touch of Love
  Reading Strategy:Understanding Proverbs
  Reading A AFather』S Confession
  Reading B My First Love
  Review 1(1-3)
Unit 4 Entertainment
  Reading Strategy:Understanding Processes
  Reading A How「The Voice ofChina」Rose to Success
  Reading B Movie Magic to Leave Home
Unit 5 Kids and Parents
  Reading Strategy:Making Conclusions
  ReadingA ALettertotheDearDaughter
  Reading B The Confessions ofa Guilty Working Parent
Unit 6 Living a Healthy Life
  Reading Strategy:Understanding from Context
  Reading A 10 Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle
  Reading B Smoking
  Review 2(4-6)
Unit 7 Blue Jeans and T-Shirts
  Reading Strategy:Understanding Purpose and Tone
  Reading A The Jeans:A Fashion Statement
  Reading B Interesting Information on the Origin and Background of T-Shirts
Unit 8 Chinese Festivals
  Reading Strategy:Understanding Description
  Reading A Dragon Boat Festival
  Reading B Double Seventh Festival and Double Eleventh Festival
Unit 9 Early Voyages
  Reading Strategy:Understanding Graphics and Statistics
  Reading A Zheng He and His Travels
  Reading B Voyages of Christopher Columbus
  Review 3(7-9)
Unit 10 The Story of Money
  Reading Strategy:Understanding Arguments
  Reading A The Psychology of Money
  Reading B Money Tips for College Students
Unit 11 Modern Ways of Communication
  Reading Strategy:Understanding Facts and Opinions
  Reading A Why Did WeChat Succeed in China
  Reading B What Is Facebook
Unit 12 Fairy Tales
  Reading Strategy:Increasing Speed
  Reading A The Adventures of Pinocchio(Extract

  Reading B The Daughter of the Sea(Extract)
Review 4(10-12)

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