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  • 作者:(美)約翰·M.李|責編:劉慧
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • ISBN:9787519276089
  • 出版日期:2020/07/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:433
人民幣:RMB 119 元      售價:

    本書作者是美國華盛頓大學教授,具有豐富的教學經驗,他在華盛頓大學和哈佛大學教授流形課程已有15年之久。書中論述了流形理論中所需的拓撲學基本概念,特別是微分幾何、代數幾何和相關領域。線和曲面;同倫和基本群論;圓和球;群論;Seifert-Van Kampen定理;覆蓋空間;覆蓋類別;同調。


1  Introduction
  What Are Manifolds
  Why Study Manifolds
2  Topological Spaces
  Convergence and Continuity
  Hausdorff Spaces
  Bases and Countability
3  New Spaces from Old
  Product Spaces
  Disjoint Union Spaces
  Quotient Spaces
  Adjunction Spaces
  Topological Groups and Group Actions
4  Connectedness and Compactness
  Local Compactness
  Proper Maps
5  Cell Complexes
  Cell Complexes and CW Complexes
  Topological Properties of Cw Complexes
  Classification of 1-Dimensional Manifold
  Simplicial Complexes
6  Compact Surfaces
  Connected Sums of Surfaces
  Polygonal Presentations of Surfaces
  The Classification Theorem
  The Euler Characteristic
7  Homotopy and the Fundamental Group
  The Fundamental Group
  Homomorphisms Induced by Continuous Maps
  Homotopy Equivalence
  Higher Homotopy Groups
  Categories and Functors
8  The Circle
  Lifting Properties of the Circle

  The Fundamental Group of the Circle
  Degree Theory for the Circle
9  Some Group Theory
  Free Products
  Free Groups
  Presentations of Groups
  Free Abelian Groups
10  The Seifert-Van Kampen Theorem
  Statement of the Theorem
  Fundamental Groups of Compact Surfaces
  Proof of the Seifert-Van Kampen Theorem
11  Covering Maps
  Definitions and Basic Properties
  The General Lifting Problem
  The Monodromy Action
  Covering Homomorphisms
  The Universal Covering Space
12  Group Actions and Covering Maps
  The Automorphism Group of a Covering
  Ouotients by Group Actions
  The Classification Theorem
  Proper Group Actions
13  Homology
  Singular Homology Groups
  Homotopy Invariance
  Homology and the Fundamental Grour
  The Mayer-Vietoris Theorem
  Homology of Spheres
  Homology of CW Complexes
Appendix A: Review of Set Theory
  Basic Concepts
  Cartesian Products,Relations,and Functions
  Number Systems and Cardinality
  Indexed Families
Appendix B: Review of Metric Spaces
  Euclidean Spaces
  Continuity and Convergence
Appendix C: Review of Group Theory
  Basic Definitions
  Cosets and Quotient Groups
  Cyclic Groups

Notation Index
Subject Index

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