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  • 作者:編者:馮硯博|責編:周一瞳//惠?
  • 出版社:哈爾濱工業大學
  • ISBN:9787560388113
  • 出版日期:2020/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:250
人民幣:RMB 42 元      售價:



Chapter 0  Introduction
    0.1  Engineering Design
    0.2  Modem Manufacturing
Part I  Modern Manufacturing Technology
  Chapter 1  Mechanical Engineering Design
  Chapter 2  CAD/CAM
    2.1  What Is CAD/CAM7
    2.2  Computer Aided Design
    2.3  Computer Aided Manufacture
  Chapter 3  Modeling and Simulation
    3.1  The Role of Models in Engineering Design
    3.2  Mathematical Modeling
    3.3  Similitude and Scale Models
    3.4  Simulation
    3.5  Finite Element Analysis
    3.6  Computer Simulation
    3.7  Introduction Optimization
  Chapter 4  Machine Tool
    4.1  The Lathe
    4.2  Drilling Machine
    4.3  Milling
    4.4  Shaping and Planing Operations
    4.5  Grinding
    4.6  Sawing Operations
    4.7  Broaching Operations
    4.8  Precision and Surface-Finishing Operations
  Chapter 5  CNC System
    5.1  Introduction
    5.2  NC Machine Tools
    5.3  Computer Numerical Control
    5.4  CNC Machine Technical Terminologies
    5.5  Direct Numerical Control
    5.6  Key Teams
  Chapter 6  Automatic Control
    6.1  Open and Closed Loop Control
    6.2  Fundamental Problems of Control
    6.3  Types of Positional Control
  Chapter 7  Industrial Robots
    7.1  Introduction
    7.2  Robot Configurations
    7.3  Robot Generations
    7.4  Industrial Applications of Robots
  Chapter 8  Nontraditional Machining Operations
    8.1  Ultrasonic Machining
    8.2  Abrosive-Jet Machining
    8.3  Chemical Machining
    8.4  Electrochemical Machining
    8.5  Electrodischarge Machining
    8.6  Chem-Milling
    8.7  Use of Lasers

  Chapter 9  Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing
    9.1  Introduction
    9.2  Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing Technologies
    9.3  Current Application Areas of RP&M
    9.4  Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing Problems
  Chapter 10  Computer Integrated Manufacturing
    10.1  Introduction
    10.2  Historical Development of CIM
    10.3  The CIM Wheel and Benefits
    10.4  Manufacturing Resources Planning and CIM
  Chapter 11  Flexible Manufacturing Systems
    11.1  Introduction
    11.2  Flexible Manufacturing Systems
    11.3  Equipment
  Chapter 12  Nanotechnology and Micro-Machine
    12.1  Nanotechnology
    12.2  Micro-Machine
  Chapter 13  Biofabrication
     13.1  Definition and Scope of Biofabrication
     13.2  Practical Applications of Biofabrication Technologies
  Chapter 14  Advanced Manufacturing Mode
    14.1  Agile Manufacturing
    14.2  Lean Manufacturing
    14.3  Concurrent Engineering
  Chapter 15  Environmentally Conscious Design and Manufacturing (ECD&M)
    15.1  Introduction
    15.2  Overview
    15.3  Environmental Engineering
  Chapter 16  Manufacturing Technology
    16.1  Form-Changing Processes
    16.2  Primary and Secondary Manufacturing
    16.3  Forming
    16.4  Separating
    16.5  Combining
  Chapter 17  Manufacturing Technology Today and Tomorrow
    17.1  Introduction
    17.2  Components of Manufacturing Systems
    17.3  Manufacturing and Technology
    17.4  Changes in Manufacturing
    17.5  Timely Robots
  Chapter 18  Intelligent Manufacturing and Case Study
Part II  Modern Food Processing Equipment
  Chapter 19  Modem Common Food Processing Technology
    19.1  Mixing Techniques
    19.2  Dehydration
    19.3  Hygienic Design of Centrifugal Pumps for the Food Processing Industries
    19.4  High Pressure Processing in Food Industry
    t9.5  Heat Transfer Mechanisms
    19.6  Extrusion Technologies
    19.7  Biscuit-Making Machine

    19.8  Baking Machine
    19.9  Conclusion
  Chapter 20  Chinese Snack Processing
    20.1  Noodles Processing
    20.2  Steamed Bun Manufacture
    20.3  Dumpling Machine
    20.4  Hun Tun Processing
    20.5  Sweet Dumpling Processing
  Chapter 21  The Use of Uhrasound and Microwaves
    21.1  Ultrasound in Food Processing
    21.2  Ultrasound in Food Preservation
    21.3  Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction
    21.4  The Use of Microwaves
  Chapter 22  Automatic Cooking Machine
    22.1  Introduction
    22.2  The Essential Cuisine Principle of Chinese Foods
    22.3  The System of the Chinese Foods Cooking Machine
  Chapter 23  Design of Robot for the Food Industry
    23.1  Introduction
    23.2  Design of Food Industry Robot
    23.3  Robots in Food Industry
    23.4  Conclusion
  Chapter 24 Automatic Control Technology in Food Industry
    24.1  Advanced Control Design Approaches
    24.2  Advanced Control Strategies
    24.3  Applications of Advanced Control Strategies in Food Processing
  Chapter 25  Novel Food Packaging Technologies
    25.1  Active Packaging
    25.2  Intelligent Packaging
    25.3  Bioactive Packaging
    25.4  Innovative Packaging Technologies
    25.5  Interactions of Active/Intelligent Packaging with Supply Chain
    25.6  Nanotechnologies in Food Packaging
    25.7  Food Safety Issues
    25.8  Environmental Issues (Biosourced, Biodegradable, Recyclable)
    25.9  Future Trends
  Chapter 26  Evolution of the Food Industry--People, Tools and Machines
    26.1  Introduction
    26.2  Evolving Relationships between People and Their Tools and Machines
    26.3  Machine Selection: Focus on the Product
    26.4  Product Type: Process Details and Consumers
    26.5  Product Contact Materials
    26.6  Product Contact: Air and Water
    26.7  Product Contact Surface Cleaning
    26.8  Product Contact Surface Maintenance
    26.9  The People Factor
    26. 10  Conclusions
  Chapter 27  New-Generation Digitalization in Food Industry--Case Study

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